It sucks-Tats and Runes (in General)

Max January 9 2006 10:37 AM EST

My tat increases my PR yet only works to a certain degree. I would rather it didnt offset my PR such as it does. I understand the cap it has regarding useage. I wish the tat stayed capped at max tat and also affected the PR in the same manner. (eg if my tat is big it shouldnt effect my max tat nor should it past my PR) Nobody knows what Im talking about huh?

maulaxe January 9 2006 10:43 AM EST

is this what you mean?

QBRanger January 9 2006 10:43 AM EST

I possibly understand.

Your tattoo, if it is larger than your Max Tattoo Level (MTL) will only function up to that level AND only add PR as if it were that level.

IE, MTL of 100k and you have a 200k TOE. The TOE will work as if it were 100k level and add the PR of a 100k TOE. Therefore your not getting penalized for having a high tattoo.

However, as long as your tattoo is over your MTL, it will not grow.

If your tattoo is named add 4% to find its effective level which is used with respect to MTL.

Hope that helps explain things.

Max January 9 2006 10:45 AM EST

You know, it shouldnt add to PR such as it does without benefits. Im stuck with a capped tat and a skewed PR. Yes, a skewed PR, Jonathan.

Quark January 9 2006 10:46 AM EST

Are you thinking of this thread?

AdminJonathan January 9 2006 10:47 AM EST

Not sure what you're ranting about, Max. Like Ranger said,
[E.G.], MTL of 100k and you have a 200k TOE. The TOE will work as if it were 100k level and add the PR of a 100k TOE. Therefore your not getting penalized for having a high tattoo.

Max January 9 2006 10:50 AM EST

The way tats are adjusting PR is wrong in regards to max tat and PR

Max January 9 2006 10:57 AM EST


If I equip a 6k ToE I win more than if I equip a 35k RBF.
I dont believe this to be strategy dependant. I think the flaw is in equipping and the PR gained. Then again, you've always known I'm just a basic player and can be completley wrong. Maybe I'm just being a brat...

maulaxe January 9 2006 10:57 AM EST

I guess you were right. nobody knows what you are talking about.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] January 9 2006 10:59 AM EST

I think it's the fact that all tattoos give the same PR increase for NW. There is no 'weighting' for tattoos.

And some are more usefull or 'powerful' than others. :) (But that does depend somewhat on strat used)

But I think weapons should have PR weights as well. :)

QBRanger January 9 2006 11:02 AM EST

Well a TOE is far more powerful than a RBF, IMO of course.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] January 9 2006 11:03 AM EST

I think that's Max's point. A ToE of the same level as a RBF adds the same PR, but the ToE is soo much more powerful.

Much like a 100K NW Whip and a 100K NW MH. ;)

Max January 9 2006 11:04 AM EST

Im just saying a large tat shouldn't effect your current pr as long as the max tat is reached.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 9 2006 11:07 AM EST

and everyone else is saying it doesn't...check out the links the have posted, I bet they go to changelog explaining it...

QBRanger January 9 2006 11:08 AM EST


Now I am confused.

If you have a tattoo over your MTL, the excess is NOT counted towards your PR. Just the amount of the tattoo that is the MTL.

Doc [girl power] January 9 2006 11:30 AM EST


I thought I went through that with you last night.


AdminShade January 9 2006 12:03 PM EST

Max: do you have the same PR when having the ToE equipped as with your 35k RBF?

(and are both above your max tattoo level?)
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