Tekken Tournament this Lunchtime (in Off-topic)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] January 9 2006 5:48 AM EST

Some of the Entrepreneur students are arranging this! :D Time to school some kids in the fine art of the Iron Fist! ;)

If only I'd had some notice though, I've not played for a while...

English boxer Steve Fox all the way! :D

Adminedyit [Superheros] January 9 2006 7:27 PM EST

Anna Williams wins hands down every time

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] January 10 2006 6:41 AM EST

I need practice... Lost my first fight to a school kid.. *sigh*

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] January 10 2006 10:59 AM EST

wish I could remember the hundreds of combos I once knew for King and Jack.

You should call any of them who use Eddy or similar character (depends which Tekken) a noob.

[Where Shirt]Freekie [Lower My Fees] January 10 2006 11:16 AM EST


AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] January 10 2006 12:34 PM EST

Tekken 5... I used to know loads of multi part throws for King.. *sigh* :(

Halcyon January 10 2006 9:58 PM EST

Hwrong (spelling?) was my fav

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] January 10 2006 10:10 PM EST

Or people that immediately go to Jin should get the noob label too.

Come on guys! Choose someone you're never used before...

Eddy owns you!

[SoM]CupofJoe [Peoples Bank of Carnage] January 11 2006 11:02 AM EST

I use Eddy and Paul and I would demolish anyone in Tekken. If you don't believe me ask Vampire King.

Kilobot571 January 12 2006 7:01 PM EST

anyone who uses Eddy demolishes everyone....

Adminedyit [Superheros] January 12 2006 8:11 PM EST

everyone but jack :)

Jokers2587 January 12 2006 11:21 PM EST

Hwrong rules all, if anyone would take me on with Eddy they would be crushed every time, he's just too quick :P.

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] January 13 2006 10:15 AM EST

Anybody who knows how to bash at the 4 buttons can play as Eddy, no skill is involved with him as random bashing results in big combos.
I thought the spelling was Hwarong? I could be Hwrong myself though ;P
English guys have always been the best technical characters in Tekken :)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] January 13 2006 10:26 AM EST

Steve is the only English fighter ever to be in Tekken! ;)

Nina/Anna are Irish.

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] January 13 2006 10:28 AM EST

I can't remember which Tekken but you could unlock another English person (and it wasn't Steve), wish I could remember who it was :/.

AdminG Beee January 13 2006 10:41 AM EST

I hear the English characters have a great manoeuvre that consists of an umbrella and bowler hat combo.

QBJohnnywas January 13 2006 10:45 AM EST

Yeah, like I'm sitting here in my bowler hat twirling an umbrella....

AdminG Beee January 13 2006 11:21 AM EST

I knew it !!!

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] January 13 2006 1:34 PM EST

Dude, don't mock Baristo (or however it's spelled), that Gentleman's Umbrella/Walking Stick based Martial Art was harsh! (I'm being serious here!)

Ah, John Steed.

Zog, I can't remember any unlockable English guy. :/

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] January 13 2006 1:36 PM EST

But Harry Enfileds sketch with Miles Chumnley-Warner and Gentlemans fighting was brilliant!
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