Finally! My themes are official! (in General)

QBPixel Sage January 8 2006 8:43 PM EST

ymisodumb January 8 2006 8:44 PM EST

Congratulations, and good job!

QBRanger January 8 2006 8:49 PM EST

How come when I try it, I do not get the cool links above the character name.

Yes, I do use IE.

QBPixel Sage January 8 2006 8:53 PM EST

What cool links above the character names? Don't tell me you found a bug after it went official! *gonk*

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] January 8 2006 8:59 PM EST

Congrats sir! Keep up the good work!

Stephen January 8 2006 9:01 PM EST

Ranger, perhaps you unchecked "Show CB2 logo in the left frame" on your settings page?

Stephen January 8 2006 9:09 PM EST

And, to temper your disappointment when you do get it working, they are not links but a static image.

With props to Pixel Sage for a still great looking theme, hampered by CB's inability to process image map clicks as events!

QBRanger January 8 2006 9:39 PM EST

Yes, that solved it, but I did hope they were real links.

Now that would have been cool.

Sir Leon [Soup Ream] January 8 2006 10:18 PM EST

lol, you know how many people have said that.

I agree however that would be pretty cool.

Great job Pixel Sage!

maulaxe January 8 2006 10:23 PM EST

I probably don't know what I'm talking about, but couldn't you just chop up the picture into smaller parts, and have some of the parts be links?

Tyra January 8 2006 11:09 PM EST

Great Job :-)

keep up the good work ^^

But I still wonder why ppl always use these grey colors

Desperado [Chaotic Serenity] January 9 2006 1:27 AM EST

Nice Job. Make more themes!

Xiaz on Hiatus January 9 2006 5:48 AM EST

I really like the banner, reminds me of the toys I had as a kid, the ones where they would have those stickers that made the toy look 'real' but apart from that served no other purpose :)
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