CB'ing fuel (in Off-topic)

PirateKing January 7 2006 12:14 AM EST

Chiffles brand Yellow Corn tortilla chips and medium salsa. All washed down with Coca Cola or iced tea.

What "fuels" your CB sessions?

Shame on you Jon... the word "tortilla" should be allowed through the spellchecker! :p

maulaxe January 7 2006 1:14 AM EST

all I've had in the past 7 hours is a new toy, a few gulps of water, and 75cents worth of cookies from a vending machine.

Thraklight Resonance January 7 2006 3:46 AM EST

I'm certain that we have one or two tech support players who look like this at the end of a long carnageblender/tech support session.

Timberwolf January 7 2006 3:50 AM EST

Coffee, Marlboro, Coffee, Marlboro, Rinse, Repeat...

Maelstrom January 7 2006 10:22 AM EST

thrak, my brother is an artist currently working at a call center - during his first shift, he made a sketch remarkably similar to that pic ;)

[T]Vestax January 7 2006 10:40 AM EST

I live off the rays that shine from my computer screen.

AdminShade January 7 2006 11:52 AM EST

Mostly: sandwiches, mandarines, apples, bananas, kiwi fruits, egg rolls, banana pancakes, fruit juices, quite some M&Ms and Pringles.

QBBarzooMonkey January 7 2006 11:57 AM EST

Coffee & Pop Tarts. Then some more coffee. Sometimes even more coffee. Oh, and did I mention coffee?

Adminedyit [Superheros] January 7 2006 11:57 AM EST

tater tots lots of tater tots
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