Todd's Back? (in Off-topic)

SNK3R January 6 2006 7:03 PM EST

No, but he's looking right at you through the monitor! I just still think this may be one of the coolest things I've seen:

Oh, and props go to BartJan for being able to create such a monster. :P

BMWheatley January 6 2006 7:05 PM EST

that is awesome! : )

Sir Leon [Soup Ream] January 6 2006 7:07 PM EST

woW, now that is sweet!

tscm January 6 2006 7:08 PM EST

dang that's nice lol. dude! SNK3R!! I'm your biggest fan!!! I love that SNK3R theme!!!! ;p

Chorlton January 6 2006 7:10 PM EST

That is one awsome picture.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] January 6 2006 7:57 PM EST


NSFY January 6 2006 10:33 PM EST

I miss Todd :(
Anybody save the Mushu message video ?

Sukotto [lookingglas] January 6 2006 10:34 PM EST

Running hasciicam Bart?

AdminShade January 6 2006 10:36 PM EST

how can you make such a thing anyway, it would be nice to make it yourself or so ;)

PirateKing January 7 2006 12:01 AM EST

Whew! For a moment there, I was afraid to look on the off chance that the pic was of Todd's back. :p

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 7 2006 1:53 AM EST

PK it's so good to have you around, I never knew you from bitd, but I swear I remember reading some good stuff in the forums from you...Todd's back...ahahahh

maulaxe January 7 2006 2:07 AM EST

how come the nose is saying "hay" at me?

is it some kind of olfactory conspiracy?

IndependenZ January 7 2006 4:42 AM EST

There are ASCII generators out there which can create such a picture out of a regular picture. I love it though, evil Todd lives forevah :p

bartjan January 7 2006 5:45 AM EST

aalib, a series of programs and libraries that add text mode output to just about any program you can think of, like movie players, but I've also seen screenshots of ASCII Quake ;)
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