Is the Cooldown period really really needed? (in General)

QBRanger January 6 2006 6:06 PM EST

Yes, another rant about the dreaded Cooldown period.

As we all know, after Jon posted about it, it was not active for months. Was there real Chaos without it? I say no.

However, with the cooldown period in place, IMO chaos is there.

For instance, I want to try different combinations of armor/weapons on one of my minions, fight a few dozen battles, and analyse the results. However, with the cooldown thingy I have to wait 8 hours to try different combos of armors.

I see the point of it, however, how many people actually equip vastly different weapons/armor for defense only. The main one I can see is a large weapon or seeker arrows for defense, then using a small weapon and/or normal arrows for fighting.

But... With NW/PR why is that a problem. People (who would equip a massive weapon) used to get nice rewards when being attacked in cb1 due to no NW/PR, however with NW/PR they will get crappy rewards due to an elevated PR. The only benefit I can see is a decrease in clan points lost. A small price to pay to get rid of this cooldown thingy.

Now about seeker arrows. I see the point of stopping someone from equipping them for defense only. However, all someone needs to do is get about 5 small sets of seeker and rotate them to avoid the cooldown thing. Not that hard to do, especially with seekers spawning in auctions. About 20k will easily get you 5 sets of 500 seekers to rotate on and off your character for defense.

So, again, why do we really have this cooldown period? IMO, it stifles creativity on ones character by stopping the testing of armor combinations. Yes, you can do it over days, but damm, thats way too long for creative testing.

Feel free to flame away.

Ilovehellokitty January 6 2006 6:10 PM EST

Wonderful addition to the game. Thanks Jon !

QBPixel Sage January 6 2006 6:11 PM EST

I agree, this cooldown period has just gotten in the way of me trying out new equipment. And plus, if you go to sleep for 8 hours, you can still pack on a bunch of defensive equipment and the cooldown won't effect you.

I vote for being able to test out new strategies without having the cooldown get in the way =D

QBRanger January 6 2006 6:13 PM EST


I would be wonderful if you would give a reason why you like it, instead of just taking the opposite opinion of everything I post.

If you like the Cooldown period, WHY?

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] January 6 2006 6:43 PM EST

Weel, i see the point of it with the arrows as well, so people dont have massive arrows when afk or signed off, and then normal when fighting.

And also when people change around stuff on chars alot, the PR will be jump up and down, i just think Jon wants to settle down with that so it does bog the system down with 30 changes to ones PR in a matter of 5 minutes.

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] January 6 2006 6:56 PM EST



Doesn't bog down the server*

QBRanger January 6 2006 6:56 PM EST


In cb1 there was no cooldown and things went along just fine. It was also inactive for a long time in cb2 before Jon realized it was inactive, and things went just fine.

I do not think many of us change around equipment that often, but for those times we feel like experimenting, the cooldown period really puts the brakes on experimentation.

maulaxe January 6 2006 7:16 PM EST

I still think that the concept is great, but the implementation was a bit too arbitrary.

If the window were, say, an hour...but after that you still had to wait 8 hours - it would still keep keep people from using defensive only gear, while allowing for fun stuff, like experiments.

concept = good
implementation = still kinda sketchy

AdminShade January 7 2006 9:19 AM EST

I think that the time it kicks in is too short. I can only recall 1 player who uses heavier items to defend himself, but he uses it for the 8 hours long mostly anyway.

Perhaps 15 minutes instead of the 5 minutes we have now could help...

Adminedyit [Superheros] January 7 2006 9:28 AM EST

the arrows really are not a problem as merging ammo or keeping seperate bundles is a way around that. but i agree that the time before the cooldown kicks in should be longer
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