Most Powerful Blow (in General)

Tyra January 5 2006 10:47 PM EST

Hello everybody...

I was thinking ...
Most Powerful Blow shows always the Most Powerful Blow You ever had..
Even If You use mayb a different Strategy by now.
So at the moment the Value of Most Powerful Blow wouldnt mean anything
to You because it was dealt with another strategy...

To make this information worthwhile I would suggest to introduce a similar
concept like having the Most Powerful Blow for the last 24h / Week / Month
whatever... So it could be narrowed down to the actual Weapon one is using...

That would be great :-)

maulaxe January 5 2006 11:56 PM EST

or perhaps, so as to not have to keep track of 24hr stuff, an option to reset it manually?

MrC [DodgingTheEvilForgeFees] January 6 2006 12:46 AM EST

Well, it's usually easy enough to figure it out for yourself. Look at your average blow for a few fights against lightly armored opponents, add a few k to it and train your VA to that amount and you'll be fine.

Other than VA, MPB doesn't have many uses. Besides, usually when you change strategies even if you switch to a weaker attack you'll usually pass the old MPB in a week or two simply because your character is growing bigger all the time.

I don't mind if it gets changed, that's great.
But I can also see why it would be left as it is.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] January 6 2006 2:24 AM EST

Maybe we could have two. A grand total (like we have now) and one you can re set (like millage on a car, to see how much you do get out of a full tank).
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