Can't create a clan? (in General)

linkz0r January 4 2006 5:57 PM EST

I get this error when im trying to create a clan -

Carnage Blender ยป Create failed

Database error: Database operation "dml" failed (exception ERROR, "ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint "cp_party_id_u" ") ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint "cp_party_id_u" SQL: insert into clan_participants (party_id) values (48678)


Maelstrom January 4 2006 6:58 PM EST

ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint "cp_party_id_u"

That sounds like there might already be a clan of the same name. What was the name you were going to use?

linkz0r January 4 2006 7:21 PM EST

yeah i tried several names >_>

Stephen January 4 2006 7:25 PM EST

And that would be a numeric internal clan ID, rather than the name. Seems as though an auto-sequence has gone out of whack.

linkz0r January 5 2006 11:08 AM EST

Meh anyone else know what the problem might be?

linkz0r January 7 2006 12:22 PM EST

Still cant create a clan..

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 7 2006 12:37 PM EST

possible you're using illegal characters?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 7 2006 12:38 PM EST

in other words, try a clan name with no special charecters in it (' " ; ; &)

linkz0r January 7 2006 1:58 PM EST

im not, i tried everything already, its really weird.

Sir Leon [Soup Ream] January 7 2006 7:20 PM EST

What are you trying to name the clan?

linkz0r January 7 2006 8:37 PM EST

ive tried a lot of things,

links clan

links private clan

even random letters and numbers but thats the message i always get
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