im getting farmed,help please (in General)

Flamey January 3 2006 10:43 PM EST

im getting farmed. i thought u had wait 30 seconds after u kill someone to kill them again.i got killed 10 times in 1 minute

chappy [Soup Ream] January 3 2006 10:44 PM EST

thats cause u are attacjung at the same time waking up your character

Flamey January 3 2006 10:45 PM EST

oh ok thanks,sorry bout the double post didn't know how it happened

maulaxe January 3 2006 10:46 PM EST

even clicking fight and getting the dead opponent page will cause you to "revive", so if you are fighting or even just trying to fight and failing, then you can get farmed.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 3 2006 10:54 PM EST

This is one of the more fun aspects of clanning...
I hated having to wait half the time to fight, Bast pointed to me
a while back that watching your score is the easiest way to make sure you're
not getting farmed, but I still like to check my fightlog every once in a while
just to make sure.

The positive aspects of farming shouldn't be overlooked either, finding a few of your favorite (3 point) opponents fight schedule can effectivly double your points (at least vrs. the farmed clan).
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