Help! (in General)

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] January 3 2006 8:41 PM EST

I can't unretire one of my chars and I left a fourth of my cash on him.

48Zach January 3 2006 8:42 PM EST

Retired characters may be unretired after not less than 4 days and not more than 9. (This gives you a chance to change your mind.) They will show up here with an option to unretire during and only during that time period.


QBBast [Hidden Agenda] January 3 2006 8:43 PM EST

Or you can pay the $50k nuisance fee, sometimes referred to as a stupidity tax, and have an admin unretire it for you.

Stephen January 3 2006 8:47 PM EST

I'm guessing the stupid tax would be greater than the quarter of his cash!

[T]Vestax January 3 2006 8:50 PM EST

I'm not so shallow and corrupt that I would do such a thing for mere money...

...however, if you happen to have a spare Corn on you I might be nice enough to help you out. ; )

Just be patient. The money isn't going anywhere. Think of it as being tucked away in your own little private piggy bank.

maulaxe January 3 2006 9:49 PM EST

will admins unretire chars for you even if it has been a long time? or if the char doesn't really have anything of value?

just how far,
will admins go to help people get their char?
or, for that matter, a klondike bar?

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] January 3 2006 10:01 PM EST

I just retired him tonight and can't get the option to come up or anything. How do I do it?

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] January 3 2006 10:08 PM EST

Nevermind. My brain just clicked in. *walks off to the stupid corner with his dunce cap on*

QBRanger January 3 2006 10:09 PM EST

The option to unretire will show up on the Manage Characters page.

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] January 3 2006 10:11 PM EST

My main char, Silvas Hope, is in a bid so I think that is why. Also, "no less than 4 days" and I just did it tonight.

Grant January 4 2006 5:45 AM EST

I added a "Controls" section in the wiki that covers this information. Greater minds than mine may want to check it.
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