I hope 2006 is a better year than this one. (in Off-topic)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] December 29 2005 8:41 AM EST

And you all had a better Xmas than I did.

Long story short, as I'm not good typing at the moment, over Xmas/Boxing day, Claire was admitted to hospital (due to the amount of bleeding) and sufferred another miscarriage.

Two in three months...

I'm devastated, and probably won't be on much for the next couple of days. (Sorry clan. :( )

Here's to 2006, it's got to get better from here.

QBJohnnywas December 29 2005 8:43 AM EST



AdminShade December 29 2005 8:49 AM EST

Awh man that sucks.

Indeed hope that 2006 will be a better year for you then :)

Xiaz on Hiatus December 29 2005 9:08 AM EST

Another year passes,
as we lift our glasses,
for some it was good,
others not as good,
but we're still here,
we've lived another year,
always be glad for life,
take care of your wife,
things will change they always do,
may '06 be the year your dreams come true.

Good luck bud, and all the best. To everyone else also, have a great New Year, you and I are alive, and I personally am thankful for that. Cheers!


Stephen Young December 29 2005 9:18 AM EST

Ah, GL! This is very sad... We'll be thinking of you and yours over the new year.

sssimmo December 29 2005 10:12 AM EST

So sorry to hear this GL. Will be thinking of you and Claire.

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] December 29 2005 10:35 AM EST

Sorry to hear that GL :-/

I hope 2006 brings better luck to you and Claire

{CB1}-Mokaba December 29 2005 11:40 AM EST

Sorry to hear this bad news GL.

Sending a lot of positief energy to you and Claire.

I do hope that 2006 will be more happy than this one was.

Love and hugs for both of you. :)

{CB3}-HR22 December 29 2005 12:13 PM EST

Very Sorry GL.

Best of luck and have a happy new year!

chappy [Soup Ream] December 29 2005 12:17 PM EST

Keep your head up GL ... I can't imagine what you're going through, but remember that your CB family is here for your support.

Blarg December 29 2005 12:48 PM EST


QBOddBird December 29 2005 1:17 PM EST

wow....I can't even begin to imagine. You and your wife have all my sympathies, and I'm sure '06 will be a fantastic year for you both...Again, my sympathies. Good luck with everything this upcoming year.

I was Dignifried Bean December 29 2005 3:03 PM EST

I can imagine. Your current pain is similar to what my wife and I went through in the mid eighties. I share this story to give you hope. After two mc's we went on to raise two wonderful children, now 18 and 15 years old. Be strong, GL. I hope this helps.

QBPixel Sage December 29 2005 3:07 PM EST

Hope things will get better for both of you.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] December 29 2005 6:46 PM EST

I'd love to thank you all individually, but I'm losing the words. :(

This is one of the reasons I doubt I'll ever leave here (well, until Jon slaps a forum ban on me! ;P )

Thank you all, you're brilliant!

Special J December 29 2005 7:07 PM EST

My younger sister has the same problem GL, doctors can't answer the whys.

Karmic Mishap [Soup Ream] December 29 2005 7:56 PM EST

I'm so sorry GL... terrible things seem to happen to the best of us more frequently, it seems. I hope you and your wife both recover soon from this tragedy.

MrC [DodgingTheEvilForgeFees] December 30 2005 12:29 AM EST


Sorry to hear that. Sheds a light on the pety problems we have when you find out about something like this. Really, if there's anything at all us CBers can do to help, all you have to do is post.

I hope 2006 is going to be better for you and your wife.

maulaxe December 30 2005 1:46 AM EST

The future can be whatever we make it.

{CB1ate}aupStar December 30 2005 6:31 AM EST

=*( Life can be so cruel sometimes...I hope all works out for the best for you GL....Hope I guess is what keeps us going and keeps us strong. I pray that you will have much better luck next year...=)

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] December 30 2005 8:09 AM EST

Wow. "Someone up there really doesn't want things going great for you right now".

Deepest sympathies to you both but I know you'll drag yourself back out of the gutter and get back in that pub before too long :)
Good Luck for this coming year and hope it has at least one good "miracle" to come your way.
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