incredibly sneaky strategy question (in General)

maulaxe December 25 2005 2:49 PM EST

Does a RoS protect you from your own DM as well as your opponent's?

QBRanger December 25 2005 3:14 PM EST

Yes, that has been known to a few of us since it came out. That is why you see ROS characters in the know with high level DM's and AMF's.

AdminShade December 25 2005 3:17 PM EST

Wow, is this also known in the Wiki?

Indeed this would be either sneaky or plainly great :)

QBRanger December 25 2005 3:23 PM EST

No, its not in the Wiki. Only a few people knew and we were waiting for the rest of CB to figure it out.

Jon was quite sneaky in saying the ROS protected from DM and not saying whose DM it protected from. Everyone assumed it was your opponents but if you look carefully at the Sept 1 changelog, it never said your or your opponents DM.

Josh [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 25 2005 4:40 PM EST

Funny, I thought most people knew and thats why it was never mentioned, not because no one knew. Shrug.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 25 2005 6:38 PM EST

Wow I was the first dimwit to ink one and I didn't know...

maulaxe December 25 2005 6:48 PM EST

It struck me the other day when I was once again pondering tweaks to my strat - It certainly looks like I'll be switching from Roe to RoS in the future.

but only if I can get my hands on one! I'm sure I didn't help my chances any by posting this before aquiring one...

Grant December 25 2005 8:11 PM EST

Tattoo artist. _THAT_ I am sneaky enough to know. :)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] December 25 2005 8:47 PM EST


Wow, I'll freely admit I didn't know that, or even suspect.

But come on, that's got to be a bug. It doesn't lower the amount of reduction your DM does to thier enchantments, but lowers how much yours reduces your own by...

It just doesn't make sense.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] December 25 2005 8:51 PM EST

Last comment for the night.

If that is working as intended, then that makes the RoS the most powerful tattoo in the game.

There's little that can dent a 4 minion AS boosted team. IMO the origina reason DM was added to CB2 in the first place.

If the RoS not only stops your AS being reduced, boosts your AS as well (who wouldn't use the RoS on thier AS minion...) and allows you to use DM on your opponent without reducing (or lowering the amount you do reduce) your AMF, wow. Just wow.

Roll over ToA. 4 minion RoS + AS teams (hell throw in GA somewhere there as well...) have just come back to dominance.

QBsutekh137 December 25 2005 8:52 PM EST

GL, it makes perfect sense, and while I didn't _know_ it, I had no reason to belive it would act any other way.

The RoS reduces all effects of DM on your own team. How is that tricky to understand? Since your own team can be effected by opponent and your own DM, it makes sense that the RoS grants a measure of immunity from both. I don't see how that could possibly be a bug.

Special J December 25 2005 8:53 PM EST

GL, you mentioned Mikel in your strat idea ;)

MrC [DodgingTheEvilForgeFees] December 25 2005 9:05 PM EST

*MrC happily watches the value of his RoS go through the roof*


QBRanger December 25 2005 9:46 PM EST

Yes, the value of a ROS goes up by perhaps 400k, the amount the Tattoo Artist charges you to make one.

Mikel [Bring it] December 25 2005 10:38 PM EST

GL what a great strat idea, Now to decide if it is better to go with a Non-ToA Tank with VA+VA weapon or stick with the CoC mage. I'm really surprised that many people did not know, I never take anything for granted in this game until I've tested it myself. Anyone that asked me I told them about it, and I even have some NUBs and my mentee's using the RoS to grow with. Also Mikel Jr is a RoS team that does very well with the Tattoo on the Haste casting minion. His Dex casts higher than most ToA Tanks of the same PR level, he was kicking tail before the beefing to the RoS.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 26 2005 3:06 AM EST

Mikel, I think a minion wearing the frighteningly overpowered TSA,and a set with an SC, DB, Tulks, HoE, MgS (or maybe higher up a BoM) would be amazingly effective, the possibility of getting some serious STR is amazing.

How much HP can you gain with 2 mil STR and VA?

UltimaSpock [Forge Frog Services] December 26 2005 5:18 AM EST

This post leads to a idea for a new tattoo/rune: a new one that would enhance enchante offensive spells

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] December 26 2005 5:33 AM EST

Sute, from every description of DM, it does nothing to your own team. It's been said to be a like an anti magic cloud settling over your opponents, reducing thier magic and any of yours you cast on them. That's cool.

But all none familair tattoos only effect your party, not your opponents. Why should the RoS reduce something you're not casting on your own party?

If it does reduce the effect of DM cast by yourself, then make it work the whole hog, have your DM effect reduced. Have it work at a lesser effect versus your opponents magics as well as your own.

Otheriwse, it is simply too good.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] December 26 2005 5:37 AM EST

Mikel, 'd go with Novice. TSA and MgS is fantastic versus mages, couple that with AMF and watch them wilt. Besides, we all kow anyone not using the full amount of thier NW allowance is throwing away 'power' so I'd go with the largest VA weapon you can afford. You'er dex might not get as high as 4 man ToA tanks, but just up your weapon +. Maybe keep CoC somewhere...

Relic December 26 2005 10:26 AM EST

I tried the RoS tank route with training BL, and ST on my Tank with full ST gear on the Tank, even a +50 TSA. I then had my RoS on a Haste casting enchanter. Another full AS enchanter and then a AMF/VA enchanter as my last minion. Although I could beat more mages, I was fodder against any other tank. The RoS is NOT for Tank Strategies imo. It works great for Mage Strategies though.

maulaxe December 26 2005 1:53 PM EST

which is what mine is, Glory.
and what got me thinking about the RoS in the first place. with big AMF and resistance to DM, the single FB mages will be cut to ribbons.

I'm using ST and anti-mage gear on my tank, behind a CoC mage. An RoE sits on my AMF caster, who by now is much larger than the other minions. So I got to thinking about those empty EO and ED slots, and slapped a base DM on one of my minions, already having had a base Prot. on my mage shiled tank.

what ED should I be training when I put an RoS on my AS caster? obviously keep the GA and base Prot, but...
should I train VA, and put a BoTH on my tank?
Should I not dilute my XP any more, and stick with what I've got?
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