Warning: Pixel Sage's major venting (in Off-topic)

QBPixel Sage December 24 2005 1:55 AM EST


*rips out hair and hides in corner playing cb*

AdminJonathan December 24 2005 1:59 AM EST

fortunately what really matters to colleges is your score on the AP exam.

well, that and your GPA. :)

SNK3R December 24 2005 2:04 AM EST

That's a major bummer. I've always heard of people having that happen to them, but never myself been caught in it. Actually, I think my one of my Biology professors boosted my grade from a C to a B since it was like 1 or 2 points off. Maybe I just got lucky, or I deserved it for the additional work I did. Anyway, sorry to hear that, man.

Off to the side, what kind of calculus concepts were you guys studying? I just finished my 3rd semester of the series at my college.

Emin3nt December 24 2005 2:04 AM EST

Did your semester already end? Mine doesn't until a January 10th I believe.

QBPixel Sage December 24 2005 2:14 AM EST

My semester just ended. We ended in the chapter "The Calculus of Growth and Decay", which does sound rather generic. It uses slope fields, Euler's Method, and all that good crap that I'll never use in my life =D.

Did I mention my teacher refuses to round grades up?

SNK3R December 24 2005 2:29 AM EST

Meh, I really enjoyed my third semester more than the first or second since it was all related to three dimensions. I can't wait to take Linear Algebra and Differential Equations next semester!

A lot of what we did in second semester was *all* integration. Talk about lack of differentiation.

I had a friend though take AP Calculus, get a good score on her AP Exam and not have to take the first semester, so hopefully that'll happen to you. :)

QBPixel Sage December 24 2005 3:29 AM EST

Hopefully. With the score on the final, I'd probably get a 4 on the AP test. Hopefully it'll bump to a 5.

So you're interested in 3D space? Ever tried any 3D art? Its fun =D

Free 3D application (and its been in development for 10+ years, still going): www.blender3d.com

Bootsanator December 24 2005 3:35 AM EST

you shoulda been in my Mathematical Concepts in Chemistry class this last semester. the teacher makes it really easy, but some of the math we do is pretty stinking hard.

also, forget 3 dimensions, look up string theory and then tell me about dimensions :P
it's enough to make your brain hurt if you think about it too much, heh

AdminG Beee December 24 2005 5:31 AM EST

You know, it's threads like this that created the "geek" stereotype :)

maulaxe December 24 2005 11:12 PM EST

I got a 5 on the AP Calculus test, but haven't yet taken any math classes at university since that... I'ts going to hurt reeeeal bad when I do.

a a side note, about halfway through the calculus class our teacher made everyone take an arithmetic test. most didn't do so well. I failed >_<

I can integrate, but not multiply!

p.s.: don't woory about your grade.

SNK3R December 24 2005 11:58 PM EST

Heh, yeah. I remember a problem I had to do about finding the equation of a plane tangent to a surface. It's a pretty easy problem without too much difficulty, but I accidentally wrote 1x1 was 2. Heh, stupid mistakes can kill you. We got to use a paper for notes for the final and at the top I wrote 1x1 = 1 to remind myself. :P
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