I have a couple of questions (in General)

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] December 23 2005 7:09 PM EST

1) What if I am in a clan and the clan gets disbanded do I still get the cp that I got from that clan.
2)If I retire my charector heavenly sins will my BA costs go down.

Stephen Young December 23 2005 7:23 PM EST

1. no (sort of) 2. yes

Timberwolf December 23 2005 7:28 PM EST

I may be mistaken, but if you quit a clan (either your own doing or the clan disbands) your accumulated CP for the year get reset.
I know that's the way it was on CB1, not sure about here though.

RAMPAGE December 23 2005 7:39 PM EST

I'm not in a fight clan at the moment but my clan points still show up on the Clan MVP one year list.

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] December 23 2005 7:49 PM EST

I'm asking about the clan thing because open clan #2 got disbanded and now it says I only have like 1500 cp for the month.

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] December 23 2005 8:00 PM EST


Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] December 23 2005 9:35 PM EST

The points stay with your name until any clan you were in is disbanded.

Bootsanator December 23 2005 9:46 PM EST

kefeck: did you log out, close browser, log in? that might help out. also, training helps problems sometimes.

I know for a fact you lose the CP's you had from a clan when the clan disbands, because i lost every single point i had with my one-man clan. dang it :(

a possible exception would be if the clan disbands and reforms under the same name, maybe it will keep the numbers somewhere or something *shrug*

maulaxe December 23 2005 9:51 PM EST

about the BA cost, wait till a few BA refreshes have passed then check it

AdminShade December 23 2005 9:58 PM EST

Kefeck: your BA cost is calculated on the size of your character kefeck, which has the New Character Bonus.

the character Heavenly Sins has a lower BA price than the character kefeck, which is why it isn't affecting your BA price.

some people might have forgotten this so don't be mad at them but at yourself
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