New script for Firefox 1.5 & Greasemonkey 0.6.4 (in General)

AdminQBVerifex December 21 2005 10:00 PM EST

Here it is for those of you interested:

Since it is on, I can update it as I see fit, so that will always be the most current version of the script.

REMEMBER: This is only for Firefox v1.5 along with Greasemonkey v0.6.4, it will not work with any other combination.

Tyra December 22 2005 8:02 AM EST

Pretty good work :-)
Thanks for the script...

I enjoy it very much....

Maybe on day there will be a kind of BattleAnalysis Script ;-)

trigun December 22 2005 8:33 AM EST

thanks man..awesome script.^_^

trigun December 22 2005 8:46 AM EST

is the training method you save meant to disappear everytime you refresh?

someone[onabreak] December 22 2005 9:36 AM EST

What is greasemonkey ?

XxFaezerxX December 22 2005 9:50 AM EST

Greasemonkey is a Firefox extension which lets you to add bits of DHTML ("user scripts") to any web page to change its behavior. In much the same way that user CSS lets you take control of a web page's style, user scripts let you easily control any aspect of a web page's design or interaction.

XxFaezerxX December 22 2005 10:04 AM EST

Awesome script man! Is there some way to make the training buttons/toggle buttons smaller? They r making the sidebar look very clustered... but it's awesome =)

AdminQBVerifex December 22 2005 11:49 AM EST

The design of the buttons and everything is something I need to change, since there is too much to fit on there. I was trying to make a handle for the buttons so they could be dragged around, but its much more difficult then it sounds.

XxFaezerxX December 22 2005 1:41 PM EST it possible to stop the Training script from disappearing after each new login?

Special J December 22 2005 2:05 PM EST

Not unless he sets a cookie with this script, which he doesn't want to do. I've been trying to talk him into it since he started this script a few months ago.

AdminQBVerifex December 23 2005 11:03 PM EST

Hi Everybody, with great pains I present to you, the Newest version of the script, now with a draggable interface and persistant training setup saving (oh yes, in your face Special J!)

XxFaezerxX December 23 2005 11:20 PM EST

This the greatest!

maulaxe December 24 2005 12:22 AM EST

is there a way to change the default setting for the control at the top of threads? maybe I just need to get used to it, but having the default be showing only today is kind of annoying...

Timberwolf December 24 2005 2:25 PM EST

Very nice Verifex, thank you for updating it.

AdminQBVerifex December 28 2005 12:05 AM EST

Surprise, another new version is out today. Just use the link at the top to download it. This time there are some yummy new things. Try looking at "recent battles" and favorites.

SNK3R December 28 2005 12:10 AM EST

This addition outright rocks.

maulaxe December 28 2005 12:13 AM EST

wow. asking for a feature actually worked!

be careful, or I might get the wrong idea ; )

Thanks! it just keeps getting better...

Relic December 28 2005 12:52 AM EST

Very nice changes Verifex. Super cool.

trigun December 28 2005 1:02 AM EST

what is meant to be in the drag menu in current battles? mines a blank. ?

AdminQBVerifex December 28 2005 1:24 AM EST

It is a subarea, it is meant to be blank. When you click "Fight" or "Add" you can see the result without having to leave that page. Also the > moves the little submenu to where-ever you are, that way on the long "recent battles" screen you don't have to drag it all the way down.

AdminQBVerifex December 29 2005 2:36 AM EST

For those of you that don't know..

This is the link to download Greasemonkey 0.6.4 for Firefox 1.5

csraven December 29 2005 4:23 PM EST

i was wondering if you could make a way for the "custom train" buttons to remain on the left bar even if you log out and log back in... it kinda sucks that it vanishes... other than that i like the script... it really cuts back on the time it takes to spend BA...

Special J December 29 2005 5:51 PM EST

csraven, upgrade to the new version.

That wish was granted already.

AdminG Beee December 29 2005 8:14 PM EST

Great I love it.
Now give me the ability to auto bundle all my recently purchased ammo to the same value as the particular bundle I have equipped.
Oh yeah, and unequip that and bundle it with the purchased ones before putting it back on my minion.

Single click option will suffice ;)

csraven December 30 2005 4:05 PM EST

Now i dont see the buttons any more... the fighting thing still works but i dont have the buttons on my bar anymore...
i uninstalled the script i was using, and then installed the revised version you have, but i lost the buttons... sorry if i sound a little repeatative, but i dont know how else to explain it...

SNK3R December 30 2005 4:09 PM EST

For future reference, you don't need to uninstall it or anything, just go to his updated source and hit 'Install.'

Did you try reloading your frames when you had it installed to see if the menu was still there?

AdminG Beee January 4 2006 12:54 PM EST

Lately I've played most of my CB time on my own laptop at home. Script works fine and I decided to install it on my laptop in the office today seeing as I'm back at work and everything is perfect.
Seemed only fair that I also install it on my desktop at home seeing as I play on that now and again (like now because wifey won't give me laptop) and that's where my problems started...

Finally understood that because I use a different url for CB2 on this machine (I'd never noticed before) the script won't install.

Summary: = good = bad

AdminQBVerifex January 4 2006 1:16 PM EST

Sorry GB, my fault, in the greasemonkey configuration, I forgot to add to the default web addresses that it is enabled on. To fix it GB, click on Tools > Manage User Scripts, and then when you have "Misc CB2 Enhancements" selected (you probably only have one script installed, so it should be selected by default) Click "Add" on the right hand pane next to "Included Pages" Then just type in "" and that should fix it.

Maelstrom January 4 2006 1:35 PM EST

Thanks for the update Verifex! Very nice new features in the script! Some minor comments and complaints:

It would be really nice if you had a list of all the features somewhere, and a built in option to disable individual features would be very useful - as it is, I comment out the features I don't like...

The "opponents-favorites-add-preview" floaty thing is quite irritating, as it won't stay where I put it, but instead it follows my mouse around. Also, I had no idea what it was for, at first. It would be more useful if you could stretch the size of the box to view more of the battle, or if scrollbars were used.

When the browser is restarted/reloaded, the sidebar drag menu doesn't remember where it was last placed, and it doesn't remember the options that were selected. Would it be possible to add another "bullet" in the sidebar list to display this info, instead of using the drag menu? And what is the "Posts: New/All" option for? I don't notice any difference with either option.

When a training setup is created, it is displayed in the sidebar drag menu with an "X" button next to it. Instead of an "X", it would be clearer if the text said "remove" or maybe "del". Also, it would be more intuitive if the training setup name was shown as a button, so that you know that by clicking it, you train that setup.

That's all for now ;)
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