CB for Dummies (in General)

QBPixel Sage December 21 2005 3:21 AM EST

Since it seems like no one caught it in the other thread (or just didn't care), I'll let this shine in its own thread =D.

Introducing, the book that helped Ranger get to the top. Your secret's out! (=P jk)

maulaxe December 21 2005 3:27 AM EST

only needs maybe 3 pages.

chapter 1: choosing your DD spell

Jakeman [The shire of Talmere] December 21 2005 3:45 AM EST


Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] December 21 2005 3:22 PM EST

lol, that is pretty funny. Just imagine the numbers that would sign up if such a book did exist and was available at say Walmart though.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 21 2005 3:24 PM EST

the fact Jon wrote Aol for dummies is the best part...
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