daughter wants me to start clan (in General)

Kelelle Son of Jor-El December 21 2005 12:29 AM EST

My daughter wants me to start a clan so she could join, (she is a newbie ) I told I did not think she could since we have the same ip address am I wrong for denying her? I think it should not be allowed as we are in different realms and well I am more experienced. Just wanted to know and have written reason why I can't, She is a teen no more reason needed... thank you

AdminJonathan December 21 2005 12:55 AM EST

You want us to give you an excuse to tell your daughter she can't be in your clan? Am I understanding this correctly?

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] December 21 2005 1:24 AM EST

Tell her she'd be much better off to get her supportership and join an existing, and bonus earning, well-established clan. Much better off. ;)

Ragatag December 21 2005 1:25 AM EST

she can join mine the Easter Bunnies

Special J December 21 2005 3:01 AM EST

astral please stop walking on egg shells, and follow Bast's advice.

Kelelle Son of Jor-El December 21 2005 8:05 PM EST

thank you all for your posts, and no I was not looking for an excuse from you all, I just wanted to be sure myself... and since she is a teen she does not believe that I am right alot of the time, now she can read it for herself. I will let her know of your clan invite, thank you. My eggshell walking is over, I just didn't want to be slammed and booted

Synco December 21 2005 8:22 PM EST

She's right, you're wrong.

If you and your daughter are on the same IP, you can still be in the same clan as she is. Different realms don't matter either.

So yeah, she's a newbie and a teen, you're more experienced, but she's still right.

However, joining an existing clan that has a bonus would be better for the both of you.

Grim Reaper December 21 2005 9:15 PM EST

Umm.... Tell her something like you won't let her join a cult. Use the standard "cuz your my daughter" excuse. This applies to like anything.
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