50k fee for renaming (in General)

Flamey December 18 2005 8:04 PM EST

when i try to rename my character it says: Since you are in the realm of Rivendell, there will be a fee of 50,000 for each Character renamed.
if i was in another realm would the fee still apply?

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] December 18 2005 8:08 PM EST

the fee goes up as you move up in the realms

maulaxe December 18 2005 11:17 PM EST

Wouldn't it make more sense to base it on the BA regen rate?

maybe sense has nothing to do with it, but is there a reason for basing it on realm that I am missing? I would understand if renaming users was based on realm, but chars don't seem to have much to do with realms except for stat purposes... is that it?

AdminShade December 19 2005 4:45 AM EST

Will add the info to wiki

When in Shire: renaming is free
in Rivendell: renaming is 50k
in Lorien: renaming is 100k
in Gondor: renaming is 150k

[Edit:added already to the wiki realms page.] --Shade
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