Still no solution to my network problem. (in Off-topic)

Grim Reaper December 17 2005 8:33 AM EST

I bought a d-link wireless router so I tried setting it up. I did what the instructions on cd said, told me to move wires around turn off modem and stuff. I done it all and at the end it tried to look for an internet connection. It failed the test.

I need help from someone that knows something about routers/networks.

Today I thought of one solution which was to somehow have the router configuration address be different from that of the modem.

Now the problem is that when I have the modem connected to the computer without the router, I go to the configuration address it shows the modem settings and stuff. But with the router hooked up, that same address used turns into the routers configuration settings and no where on the computer the modem is detected.

So to day I took a look at some more of modems settings and I found this bit of information from the PPP location setup.

PPP is on the modem. This is the normal mode for this modem when connected to a single computer. In this mode, the PPP session is initiated from the modem. Gateways and routers should work in this mode but their configuration may have to be changed to do so (e.g., you may need to have the gateway/router IP address changed to

So is there a way to change the routers IP address to
With that changed I could probably have my modem settings show up again instead of router overriding. If this problem is not solved by later on tonight like 15hours from now, I am going to have to call technical support or maybe just throw my comp out the window...
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