How much exp do you need to achieve certain stat level? (in General)

Peter at home December 17 2005 6:49 AM EST

I am wondering what are the levels at which the cost of 1 stat level increases.

I would also like to know how much exp you need to get these levels os stat:
.... and so on until as much as we can figure out.

Grim Reaper December 17 2005 7:21 AM EST

well i can tell you that from around 22k-60k-65k the upgrade cost is 11exp a point, after the 60 or 65k the cost is at 12 and goes on until maybe 130k then it goes into 13 exp cost for a while then I think it hits like 14 cost at 200k.

I am still adding exp at cost of 14 for stats that I have now at 510k

Peter at home December 17 2005 10:06 AM EST

From what I found by now here are the ranges and the costs of 1 point of a stat:

21 - 22 @1
23 - 27 @2
28 - 40 @3
41 - 74 @4
75 - 168 @5
169 - 423 @6
424 - 1116 @7
1117 - 3000 @8
3001 - 8123 @9

I know that the change from 12 to 13 is somewhere between 59500 - 60k. If someone who is close to there could find out exactly I'll be glad.
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