Broken BattleCry (in General)

Tyra December 15 2005 8:37 AM EST

Hey you guys...

I wish Battelcry would work with all of my minions, but it does
with one only. The very first I gave a battlecry.
I have heard others having the same problem,
sometimes no one crying at all...

Is it buggy ?
Maybe someone can fix it.

Quark December 15 2005 10:26 AM EST

It only works for the minion that actually got the kill that round. Enchanters will never cry out, nor will decay mages. And with the tank in front, it's likely your CoC mage finishing everyone off, so the mage gets to call it.

AdminShade December 15 2005 10:30 AM EST

your first minion doesn't kill anyone... so no battlecry...

[Nkki]WildEagle [SNB Forging Services] December 15 2005 10:40 AM EST

with my team.. nobody ever cries :(

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] December 15 2005 10:44 AM EST

just a hunch, but is it true for everyone that mages always cry, but tanks never cry? Or was it just me?

bartjan December 15 2005 10:59 AM EST

Just tested it, and it indeed sound like tanks don't show their battle cries.

The Cure - Boys Don't Cry

chappy [Soup Ream] December 15 2005 11:00 AM EST

I just checked with my tank mage team and sure enough my tank never cried once ... those mages abr just big babies ...

Quark December 15 2005 12:42 PM EST

So my tank doesn't like to shriek victorious? That sux. (Of course I didn't even have battle cries entered until I put some in to test this.)

QBJohnnywas December 15 2005 12:45 PM EST

I've been checking my tank's victories ever since I read this.

When Jack Crow was a mage I saw the battle cry all the time. Today I've only seen it once. And that was when I was killing Sefton...... ;)

maulaxe December 15 2005 12:45 PM EST

Tanks should not have battle cries.

They should have battle ROARS!

chappy [Soup Ream] December 16 2005 9:49 AM EST

Maybe somebody is working on this ... here's what I'm seeing every now and then...

Urza, Wizard Adept takes damage from his own Cone of cold (144371)!
Urza, Wizard Adept's Cone of cold hit Failure [601587]
Urza, Wizard Adept cries "I AM SUPREME!!"
Bob, Minotaur Illusionist stumbled swinging at Failure
Bob, Minotaur Illusionist cries "I AM SUPERMAN ... er ...!"

As you can see Bob, Minotaur Illusionist never touched Failure ... but yet he cries VICTORY ... I should tell him to keep it quiet until he can stop his stumbing and bumbling ...

Anyway .. I like the battle cries for tanks getting some attention .. Hope this post helps whoever is looking into this :P
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