A Good Hangover Cure? (in Off-topic)

QBJohnnywas December 15 2005 5:05 AM EST


Happy christmas. :\

AdminShade December 15 2005 5:06 AM EST

Drink water before you go sleep, or after.

Get another beer when waking up.

'Use' some vitamin B, helps against a hangover quite well

Ignore the hangover, if you can ^_^

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] December 15 2005 5:15 AM EST

Abstinence is the key!

QBJohnnywas December 15 2005 5:18 AM EST

yes, the old 'don't do it' cure.....

But that's not fun.....

QBRanger December 15 2005 5:34 AM EST

The reason you get a hangover is that beer and spirits dehydrate you. So as Shade said, drink a large glass of water before you go to bed. Also, take 2 motrin or tylenol before you go to bed.

Stephen December 15 2005 5:51 AM EST

Don't sober up

IndependenZ December 15 2005 5:57 AM EST

When you have drunk a lot, that glas of water won't even make a dent in that hangover. I don't think there's any way of escaping it: Just take ibuprofen or paracetamol in the morning. That'll get you an hour or three before having to taking another. ;)

AdminShade December 15 2005 6:05 AM EST

Some people are hit easier than others.

When I go out with some friends of mine, and we don't usually drink much.

My friend has a higher alcohol tolerance, being that i get drunk more easily than he does, but i never suffer from a hangover while he does...

Has to do with the cerebral membrane being stronger on some people than on others.

Alcohol dehydrates the cerebral membrane and that makes you headache, so drinking a few big glasses of water before you go sleep should usually help quite some, even if it doesnt for IndependenZ ;p

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] December 15 2005 6:25 AM EST

Dude, do you have to ask. There is only one cure (hair of the dog doesn't work, it just get's you drunk again..).

A good old fried full English Breakfast! ;)

Or drinking lots of water, but you really need to do that while your drinking.

While suffering with a hangover, I prefer to crawl up into a little ball, preferably with a nice thick duvet, rock slightly, maybe cry a little and moan for everyone to go away (or massage my temples).

They look at me funny when I try that at work though! ;)

QBJohnnywas December 15 2005 6:28 AM EST

I know all the 'proper' cures... doesn't anybody have a miracle?

If somebody created a miracle cure I would follow them to the ends of the earth. Or to the next bar....

AdminG Beee December 15 2005 6:38 AM EST

Only the weak suffer from hangovers. Look on it as all part of the experience...

A few hours sleep followed by fried breakfast/lunch as soon as you get out of bed consisting of at the very least sausage, bacon and some morning rolls.
Sunday Times newspaper and then a walk with the dog.

Works for me every time.

Sleep is the key. If you're out on a "school night" and don't have the opportunity for sleep then just get on with it. Hangover is very much a state of mind - all the psychobabble that goes on about it is tosh. Live the Peter Pan motto and you'll be fine "Think happy thoughts!".

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] December 15 2005 6:54 AM EST

I thought the Peter Pan motto was "I don' wanna grow up!"?

QBJohnnywas December 15 2005 6:55 AM EST

no, it's "what's that bloody tinkling noise? SPLAT!"

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] December 15 2005 10:28 AM EST

Chaser +

Supposedly you take it before you drink and it will make it so you will not have a hang-over the next morning.

Warning they have on commercial..."Will not stop you from getting intoxicated/Drunk."

Tezmac December 15 2005 10:56 AM EST

A good hangover cure is to party with nurses and EMTs. In college, after a full heavy night of drinking, we'd hook up to IVs to flush our system. That's when you know you party too hard, it sobers you up pretty darn quick.

QBJohn Birk [Black Cheetah Bazaar] December 15 2005 11:55 AM EST

When I turned 21 in college, suffice to say I partied very hard that evening. The next day my dad woke me up WAY to early. However, it was to give me my birthday present which was a new camero. I had a wicked hangover, until I saw the Camero, and poof it went away. So, for me the miracle cure for a hangover is a new car.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] December 15 2005 12:00 PM EST

Nurses! O_O

At the Oktoberfest, there is a recovery tent you can be taken to. Doctors and nurses look after you all night, and make you eat a hearty breakfast in the morning.

All for 25 euros.

Better than booking a room! ;)

QBsutekh137 December 15 2005 12:13 PM EST

I never understood the taking of pills before going to bed. Is it really a good idea to put ibuprofen on top of alcohol? The way I figure it, my liver is already working overtime, and the liver has to process those drugs as well. That can't be good...

This is not a miracle cure, but it worked for me on the night of my bachelor party. As I was taking out my brother with scotch and my friend Brendan with mead, I was alternating each of my own drinks with a glass of water. The water isn't what saves you, it is the time taken to drink the water. Drink the water at the same moderate speed you would drink the real drinks. You can still have a very pleasant buzz all night, but the simple fact is that you are drinking less over a longer time period, staying hydrated all the while. That means no hangover.

There are no other "miracle" cures, and if there were, they would be heavily marketed and making someone fabulously wealthy.

Tezmac December 15 2005 12:24 PM EST

I'm telling you, make some friends that can put you on an IV drip, you'll feel 100% in a half hour. Now THAT's a miracle. :O)

AdminShade December 15 2005 12:45 PM EST

"A good hangover cure is to party with nurses and EMTs."

Tezmac really: Enchanter Mage Tanks?

Quark December 15 2005 12:45 PM EST

Bayer now makes a hangover cure that's aspirin and caffeine. Don't know if it's available in Britain, but my neighbour's a regional salesman for them and mentioned it to me.

AdminG Beee December 15 2005 12:45 PM EST

If a standard IV drip makes you feel great I wonder how one with Brandy in it would work :)

maulaxe December 15 2005 12:49 PM EST

Kids, just say "How much?" to drugs!

NSFY December 15 2005 1:28 PM EST

My research into a cure for hangovers continues. However, I do have several cures for the whirlies or bedspins:

1) For bedspins, put one foot on the floor

2) For whirlies, put your head out the window of a fast moving car - works best in winter

3) For bedspins or whirlies, think about cold greasy pork. That should cause you to vomit and get you on the way to feeling better. My friends always thank me after I have helped them visualize the pork.

deathwake December 15 2005 5:42 PM EST

just stay awake until you aren't drunk anymore and then go to bed

InebriatedArsonist December 15 2005 6:52 PM EST

The method to avoid a hangover varies by the time you realize avoiding/curing a hangover is a good idea.

While drinking:
-Stop drinking. Cheap and easy.
-Space out your drinks. Also cheap and easy, unless you can't deal with your peers pressuring you to keep up.
-Stay away from sugary drinks.

After drinking, before bed:
-Drink water or some electrolyte-replacing fluid.
-Some people swear by hitting a diner before passing out. Even if it doesn't actually work, raising Cain in a diner with your friends seems like a perfectly good way to end a night.
-Some people also advise taking Motrin or some other pain killer before sleeping. I shy away from this, seeing as many meds and alcohol don't mix very well. If you're not in a mental state that allows you to read the warning labels, close the medicine cabinet and drag your drunk bottom to bed.

The next morning, assuming you can get out of bed:
-More alcohol. A Bloody Mary can do wonders. This course of action will only put off the pain, but sometimes it has to be done.
-An electrolyte solution, such as Pedialyte, can also do wonders. Kid Rock tested and approved.
-Go back to sleep! Remember, part of a hangover is due to alcohol inhibiting natural sleep.

Thraklight Resonance December 15 2005 7:00 PM EST

Trephining might work, but only if you have a death wish and are combining the hangover with extremely desperate and exceptionally stupid.

Stephen December 15 2005 7:10 PM EST

Trephining, as in the surgical opening of the skull? Yep, I'll be sure to try that one this year!

colonel [penny pincher] December 15 2005 9:24 PM EST

DO NOT TAKE TYLENOL!! or generic versions either.

Acetaminophen (the drug in Tylenol) should be avoided when alcohol is in your body (and you should avoid alcohol if acetaminophen got there first, too). The pathways in the liver that work to rid your body of alcohol also rid it of acetaminophen. Taking other pain-killers like ibuprofen or aspirin are ok as they cleansed by other pathways in the liver. A combination of Tylenol and alcohol can overwork the liver and cause liver damage which can lead to worse.

Also, taking Tylenol will actually cause the alcohol to stay in your body longer (the alcohol will also cause the Tylenol to stay in your body longer too) since they need to go through the same pathways in the liver be cleansed from the blood.

So, if you've been drinking and need a pain killer read the label first. Drugs with acetaminophen always say not to mix it with alcohol (in the USA at least) and this was boring explanation as to why.

Full disclosure: I'm not an authority on this. I'm just someone who (1) drinks with regularity (Crown and Coke preferably), (2) happens to usually be with a doctorate of pharmacy when I do and (3) this is one of the things I've learned.

Trillian December 18 2005 5:28 PM EST

Irn Bru. I'm converted.

AdminG Beee December 18 2005 5:43 PM EST

lol Trill - too true !

Irn Bru, Scotland's other national drink.

For those that don't know, google is your friend.

SNK3R December 18 2005 5:50 PM EST

And this is one reason I'm glad I'm under-age, can't drink, and won't drink.

On a side note: I thought you were supposed to be snuggling with your wife, G_Beee. There are no breaks in cuddling! :P

AdminG Beee December 18 2005 5:56 PM EST

There are no breaks in cuddling!"

We broke for some Irn-Bru ;)

Unwanted Memories December 18 2005 7:50 PM EST

The best cure, would have to be a earl grey tea with a little bit of honey and a pill of hydroclorothyazide. not sure if it's spelled nice, the tea cleanses your liver while the pill makes you urinate like youv'e drunk an ocean.. cleans you up realy well..

AdminG Beee December 22 2005 3:50 AM EST

And this is why we need the cure...

Hangover Ratings
1 star hangover:
No pain. no real feeling of illness. You slept in your own bed and when you woke up there were no traffic cones in there with you.
You are still able to function relatively well on the energy stored up from all those vodka and Red Bulls.
However, you can drink 10 bottles of water and still feel as parched as the Sahara.
Even vegetarians are craving a Cheeseburger and a bag of fries.

2 star hangover:
No pain, but something is definitely amiss. You may look okay but you have the attention span and mental capacity of a stapler.
The coffee you hug to try and remain focused is only exacerbating your rumbling gut, which is craving a full Irish fry.
Although you have a nice demeanour about the office, you are costing your employer valuable money because all you really can handle is some light filing, followed by aimlessly surfing the net and writing junk e-mails.

3 star hangover:
Slight headache. Stomach feels crap. You are definitely a space cadet and not so productive.
Anytime a girl or lad walks by you gag because the perfume/aftershave reminds you of the random gin shots you did with your alcoholic friends after the bouncer kicked you out at 1:45 am.
Life would be better right now if you were in your bed with a kebab and a litre of coke watching daytime TV.
You've had 4 cups of coffee, a gallon of water, 6 chicken nuggets and a litre of diet coke yet you haven't peed once.

4 star hangover:
You have lost the will to live. Your head is throbbing and you can't speak too quickly or else you might spew.
Your boss has already lambasted you for being late and has given you a lecture for reeking of booze.
You wore nice clothes, but you smell of socks, and you can't hide the fact that you (depending on your gender) either missed an oh-so crucial spot shaving, or, it looks like you put your make-up on while riding the dodgems.
Your teeth have their own individual sweaters. Your eyes look like one big vein and your hairstyle makes you look like a reject from a second-grade class circa 1976.
You would give a weeks pay for one of the following - home time, a cheeseburger and somewhere to be alone, or a Time Machine so you could go back and NOT have gone out the night before.
You scare small children in the street just by walking past them.

5 star hangover:
You have a second heartbeat in your head, which is actually annoying the employee who sits next to you.
Vodka vapour is seeping out of every pore and making you dizzy.
You still have toothpaste crust in the corners of your mouth from brushing your teeth.
Your body has lost the ability to generate saliva, so your tongue is suffocating you.
You'd cry but that would take the last drop of moisture left in your body.
Death seems pretty good right now. Your boss doesn't even get mad at you and your co-workers think that your dog just died because you look so pathetic. You should have called in sick because, let's face it, all you can manage to do is breathe ..... very gently.

6 star hangover:
You arrive home and climb into bed.
Sleep comes instantly, as you were fighting it all the way home in the taxi.
You get about 2 hours sleep until the noises inside your head wake you up.
You notice that your bed has been cleared for take off and is flying relentlessly around the room.
No matter what you do you now, you're going to chuck.
You stumble out of bed and now find that your room is in a yacht under full sail.
After walking along the skirting boards on alternating walls knocking off all the pictures, you find the toilet.
If you are lucky you will remember to lift the lid before you spontaneously explode and wake the whole house up with your impersonation of walrus mating calls.
You sit there on the floor in your undies, cuddling the only friend in the world you have left (the toilet), randomly continuing to make the walrus noises, spitting, and farting. Help usually comes at this stage, even if it is short lived.
Tears stream down your face and your abdomen hurts. Help now turns into abuse and he/she usually goes back to bed leaving you there in the dark.
With your stomach totally empty, your spontaneous eruptions have died back to 15-minute intervals, but your body won't relent.
You are convinced that you are starting to turn yourself inside out and swear that you saw your tonsils shoot out of your mouth on the last occasion.
It is now dawn and you pass your disgusted partner getting up for the day as you try to climb into bed. She/he abuses you again for trying to get into bed with lumpy bits of dried vomit in your hair.
You reluctantly accept their advice and have a shower in exchange for them driving you to the hospital.
Work is simply not an option.
The whole day is spent trying to avoid anything that might make you sick again, like moving.
You vow never to touch a drop again and who knows for the next two or three hours at least you might even succeed.

QBJohnnywas December 22 2005 4:08 AM EST

Oh I wish it could be Christmas every day....


AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] December 22 2005 5:08 AM EST

I'm crying!! :D G, that was briliant!!!!

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] December 22 2005 9:54 AM EST

On the 6 star you forgot:
-If in a house party situation you throw up on the attractive girls skirt while she is trying to drag you to the nearest bed.

Or am I the only person who has had that happen to him in a 6 star hangover?

AdminG Beee December 23 2005 6:07 AM EST

It appears we're all doomed!

AdminG Beee December 27 2005 8:36 PM EST

i need one now !

emergency, someone call 999
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