The return of Dreamcast ??? (in Off-topic)

Lumpy Koala December 12 2005 10:26 AM EST

Sega is relaunching Dreamcast in Japan

Now that's really a classic :P

Undertow December 12 2005 12:41 PM EST

God I wish they'd do that here. I want one so bad, but not a used one.

Grim Reaper December 17 2005 7:50 AM EST

I'm not really sure if this is correct but wasn't sega system made by sony?
And then ps1 came out and was basically winning the competition so then it battled nintendo and sega line made a come back with dreamcast and that was the end of it since ps2 and gamecube and xbox really were just better.

Gaming consoles today are dissapointing I think, it used to be very different than having a computer system but now all the consoles are 5 years behind computer tech assembled with brand new graphics cards.

Rathershady December 17 2005 7:59 AM EST

Sega was always its own company and it still exists today it has just swtiched to solely making games after the dreamcast fared so poorly against the PS1 and Nintendo 64. But alot of people loved the dreamcast because it had tons of capabilities that no other console had. Check out the wiki article for more info.

LumpBot December 17 2005 10:08 AM EST

I went out and bought a dreamcast 2 years ago for Soul Calibur I and House of the Dead. I still play it at least once a month.

chappy [Soup Ream] December 17 2005 10:14 AM EST

All in all the system wasn't up to expectations and thus couldn't compete with the current market .. I, however, enjoyed the system very much until it went under. The games I enjoyed were:

Skies of Arcadia
Jet Set Radio (the japanese version)

I don't remember how, but I got a boot disc for the system that allowed the use of burned games and import games. I also had a lot of the games that never made it to the states, but most of them were pretty boring anyway .. with the exception of GODZILLA!!! Mwuhahaha
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