Ranger's Pet (in Off-topic)

LumpBot December 7 2005 3:00 PM EST

Steeds of the Apocalypse lvl 1,408,000 owned by QBRanger (The Apocalypse Book)
That is one big tattoo, I just want to congratulate Ranger on a 1.4 million level tattoo.
I know it's not some special number like 1 million or anything, but that is still an impressive achievement.

AdminShade December 7 2005 3:01 PM EST

why couldn't you wait a bit and congratulate him with an 1.5 mil?

btw: moved to off-topic

congrats nonetheless

LumpBot December 7 2005 3:02 PM EST

I'm too impatient for that =P
Besides what makes 1.5 so much more of a land mark then 1.4?

AdminShade December 7 2005 3:04 PM EST

with your reasoning, every number that is big could be a milestone then. :p

maulaxe December 7 2005 3:43 PM EST

because 1400k is divisible by 7k.
and 7k is bigger than 5k


LumpBot December 7 2005 3:49 PM EST

Every big number was a mile stone to Monty if you recall his CB1 post every other day on another 100K increase of either score or PR =P
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