Spell check... (in General)

Rommel [Darkest Hour] December 5 2005 6:51 AM EST

Is there any way we can add 'lvl' to the spell check?

Maelstrom December 5 2005 1:38 PM EST

We can't, but Jon can.

AdminShade December 5 2005 1:46 PM EST

just change it to level.

Rommel [Darkest Hour] December 5 2005 3:52 PM EST

I know, it's a lazy request, just would make posting easier...

AdminShade December 5 2005 4:02 PM EST

some more things could be added then:

Vorpal for instance.

maulaxe December 5 2005 4:22 PM EST

however un-correct "lvl" is, it IS part of what displays in the game... shouldn't it then be considered game terminology? all the acronyms for the different tats aren't correct spelling either, but they are in there...
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