Has the main sidebar Top Clans data changed? (in General)

Quark December 1 2005 2:14 PM EST

When I mouse over Top clans in the sidebar, the data looks very different. It used to give the score of the top 5 clans (allowing for refresh delays. I can't figure out what it's showing now. At first I thought it was the top clan's score and then score gaps for the next 4, but sometimes the top clan score isn't right either.

Did I miss a changelog somewhere? I thought that 24 hours after the clan bug it would revert back to the old data, but it hasn't.

Ilovehellokitty December 1 2005 2:26 PM EST

top 40 clans have rewards now ...not 25 like it used to be.

AdminShade December 1 2005 2:28 PM EST

perhaps refresh your sidebar?

Maelstrom December 1 2005 2:29 PM EST

I see what you mean G - the numbers next to the clan names (only in the mouse-over list) don't match the scores (raw or actual) of those clans. Bug?

AdminShade December 1 2005 2:30 PM EST

I see it too now, strange... it looked normal an hour ago...

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 1 2005 2:36 PM EST

at least you didn't get a disbanded notice that seems to have not gone into effect yet...

Karmic Mishap [Soup Ream] December 2 2005 8:40 PM EST

The clan data still seems to be wildly different from the old data... what was the change? Can anyone understand the numbers the sidebar's giving?

maulaxe December 2 2005 8:56 PM EST

I didn't get the disband notice, but found myself suddenly clanless...
however, was able to immediately join another clan

that lasted a few days, but then I got an auto-disband notice for the [new] clan I had joined, however I found myself back in the the previous clan.

I thought it was pretty funny.

Timberwolf December 3 2005 5:37 AM EST

top 40 clans have rewards now ...not 25 like it used to be.
I always thought the amount of clans getting rewards was a dynamic number based on the number of active clans at the time.

Stephen Young December 3 2005 6:38 AM EST

You are correct Timberwolf.

AdminShade December 3 2005 1:06 PM EST

Top 25% of clans get the bonus, as explained in the wiki clans section.

Quark December 3 2005 2:49 PM EST

It seems fixed now.
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