who knew? (in General)

! Love Barney November 26 2005 6:32 PM EST


Ilovehellokitty November 26 2005 6:34 PM EST

I miss Barney..oh wait
omg why you copied my name???
Why did you have to do that? Now I have to take action.

QBRanger November 26 2005 6:34 PM EST

I always had my suspicions.

! Love Barney November 26 2005 6:37 PM EST

the cm's i got were pretty funny.

<******************> [mail:] There you go again trying to deflate the system. lol

QBRanger November 26 2005 6:39 PM EST

The CM's I got were even funnier.

Too bad most contained words that cannot be reproduced.

For instance:
<xxxxx>: What a muppet.

! Love Barney November 26 2005 6:44 PM EST

thats not funny

mine is totally a lot more funnier.

[SoM]CupofJoe [Peoples Bank of Carnage] November 26 2005 6:47 PM EST

Before feelings are hurt among friends. I just want to clarify that I said the deflate the system thing.

I don't think that Ranger is actually deflating the system, hence the lol, at the end.

I think the community as a whole decides our economic situation.

So before anyone jumps to conclusions that are simply not true, this is where I stand.

Maelstrom November 26 2005 6:49 PM EST

Huh? What are you people talking about?

Special J November 26 2005 6:50 PM EST

Bush changed his name to QBRanger in an effort to cause problems, bart had to change his name to something more fitting his age group.

bush you are treading on thin ice

! Love Barney November 26 2005 6:56 PM EST

now why would i want to cause problems wuss?

Maelstrom November 26 2005 6:59 PM EST

Ah, so that's what happened. Tony, just take a break from being provocative; settle down, have a cup of tea or something...

Xiaz on Hiatus November 27 2005 2:51 AM EST

The one remaining purple dinosaur, how exciting, someone shoot it!

maulaxe November 27 2005 4:15 PM EST

I'd be glad to.
but first I would need the appropriate attire.
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