What to do for:Last year as a teenager (in Off-topic)

Grim Reaper November 22 2005 7:15 AM EST

Ok so I got like 8months left as teenager, after turning twenty I technically won't be a teen anymore.

So I am in a dilemma on what to do for my last year.

I need to do something that I won't be able to do later on, not sure what but yea go ahead and post your suggestions.

Too bad I have to be 21 to buy booze here. I wonder if that applies to drinking it, maybe it does.

I was thinking about doing something wild on spring break but that already has been taken with doing something else.

48Zach November 22 2005 7:19 AM EST

go to the beach =D

Grim Reaper November 22 2005 7:21 AM EST

beach is out of the question, I live like half hour or an hour away, umm not much at the beach, water is all green and yucky. Don't want to bother surfing either.

48Zach November 22 2005 7:28 AM EST


Adrian Exodus November 22 2005 7:30 AM EST

go to canada and drink

AdminShade November 22 2005 7:41 AM EST

live your days as if they were your last.

or just act normal, im 24 and dont feel a day older than 19.

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] November 22 2005 7:50 AM EST

Anything you were really going to "go nuts and try to get away with" you should have done before you turned 18. As the age of majority/consent is 18, you are already (definitionally, if nothing else) an adult.

There's really nothing particularly fabulous between 18 and 21, unless you'd like to go all out and enlist in one of the armed services.

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] November 22 2005 7:56 AM EST

Unless you mean things like bungee jumping or skydiving, which seem so daring/adventurous when you are 19 (when you can say you did it) and seem so absurdly expensive/foolhardy after your brain is really done.

In which case, by all means do the things (now) that old people think are stupid, so you can say "Back when I was young and foolish, I once ... ".

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] November 22 2005 8:12 AM EST

Back when I was young and foolish, I once ...

Decided to celebrate my 19th birthday (on the 19th) with a mate a uni by us both skipping class for the day and trying to drink 19 pints...

We got to one of the Bars on campus as it opened, and I tried to record each beer I drunk by writing it on my hand.

At the end of the night, I had to be carried home, had 14 beers marked on my hand and was seen to drink two more.

I don't think 16 is too bad! >;)

QBJohnnywas November 22 2005 8:28 AM EST

Go to Vegas on fake ID. Gamble some, drink some more. Marry a waitress. Spend four days madly in love. Get divorced. Rob a casino. With your loot fly to China and jump over the Great Wall of China on a motorbike. Then fly to Australia and swim with sharks. Kill one using only your teeth and have a barbecue.

Afterwards fly to London and buy me and GentlemanLoser a drink. You won't need to worry about being of legal age as you can drink legally here at 18.

Afterwards fly home and sit up all night playing Carnageblender.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] November 22 2005 8:37 AM EST

"Go to Vegas on fake ID. Gamble some, drink some more. Marry a waitress. Spend four days madly in love. Get divorced. Rob a casino. With your loot fly to China and jump over the Great Wall of China on a motorbike. Then fly to Australia and swim with sharks. Kill one using only your teeth and have a barbecue."

That's sooo age 16 Johnny! ;)

One drink? Just one? I'll have a yard or ale then please! :D

QBJohnnywas November 22 2005 8:40 AM EST

Oh yes. British drinks are served in buckets.

Oh yes. British drunks are served in biscuits.

Oh yes. Johnnywas is talking rubbish again.

Oh yes. British biscuits are served by midgets.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] November 22 2005 10:03 AM EST

Our own personal midgets at that.

QBJohnnywas November 22 2005 10:24 AM EST

Our own personal midgets wearing dinner jackets and spats.

Accompanied by very small giraffes carrying peanuts and dips.

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] November 22 2005 10:26 AM EST

You have dips for your peanuts?

QBJohnnywas November 22 2005 10:28 AM EST

Yes. Especially for our personal midgets. Remember peanuts are very large to a midget and people from London. We are a very short people. All that dancing with chimney sweeps; it stunts our growth....

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] November 22 2005 10:43 AM EST

Dry Roasted...

I like to wet my finger and lick the remaining coating from an empty packet...

It was a sad day I had to let my sweep go... :(

"Cor blimey Guv'nor. Would you Apple 'n' Eve it... I thought your were me old China..."

His last words still bring tears to my eyes...

Maelstrom November 22 2005 5:54 PM EST

Go visit Shade in the Netherlands - there's plenty of fun to be had in Amsterdam ;)

XxFaezerxX November 22 2005 5:55 PM EST

Go get in touch with Emma Watson after seeing the new Harry potter movie. =)
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