I have an Idea how about in clan auctions (in General)

CmdrHawkeye November 21 2005 10:16 AM EST

we could have it where clans can trade with each other and auction off items, u know you say im selling this and give a price and send the message to your clan members and then they bid and after a certain time limit you give the item to the m and get the money. Then again CB might get upset because you are by passing their fee process but I would like to see if that would work.

Biscuitback November 21 2005 12:25 PM EST

we pretty much do it already.. we just tell our clan that we have this and that for sale, and if they want it first before making it public.

but it's not a bad idea

CmdrHawkeye November 21 2005 12:42 PM EST

Heh I figured it was already thought of long ago but it is good to know it wasn't a bad idea.

AdminShade November 21 2005 12:53 PM EST

easiest way to do what you suggested is chat mailing your entire clan ;)
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