2nd favorite games? (in Off-topic)

Bootsanator November 20 2005 6:43 PM EST

We all know that CB2 is the best game, but I was wondering what some of everybody's second-favorite games are? you know, the things you do when you're not playing CB (a.k.a. waiting for BA) and you're not off having a life outside of your computer.

deathwake November 20 2005 7:00 PM EST

Halo 2

Bootsanator November 20 2005 7:15 PM EST

I play:

Kingdom of Loathing (http://www.kingdomofloathing.com)

Evolution (http://ev5.neondragon.net)

and every once and a while i check on my village over at Travian (http://www.travian.com)

48Zach November 20 2005 7:17 PM EST

Diablo 2 : LoD Halo 2 : Xbox Live Call of Duty Battlefield 2 : xbox live Batllefield : xbox live

QBJohn Birk [Black Cheetah Bazaar] November 20 2005 7:18 PM EST

I have been playing a lot of Omerta, the "actions" are all time based, so you do them once every 90 secs or 4 mins or whatever, makes a nice way to spend time when you do not have BA

Undertow November 20 2005 10:06 PM EST

Lately, Time Splitters 3.

Tooth Fairy November 20 2005 10:11 PM EST

I am currently away from home but when I was home I played
(fly for fun)


No capitalization of course...stupid spell check

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] November 20 2005 10:19 PM EST

Lets see....

Cb2 (Cb1 is #1 ; ) )
Secrets of War
Dark Throne
Star Wars Battlefront 2
Red Alert 2 (and pretty much all of the C&C games)

Hyrule Castle [Defy] November 20 2005 10:20 PM EST

i play Maplestory a MMORPG, its pretty good for free, and every year during Christmas or thanksgiving (other holidays) they do special events... its really quiete fun and i would like to know if anyone else plays.

download it at www.mapleglobal.com

yet again.... stupid spell checker... most of the words are spelled correctly! lol, ... still to many errors... why must u do this... seriously

Tooth Fairy November 20 2005 10:22 PM EST

Well mines a free MMORPG too >.< lol =)

TrueDevil [AAA] November 21 2005 12:42 AM EST

Playing PlayStation 2, random games, currently playing Magna Carta / Dragon Quest 8 / Shadow Hearts Covenant / Need for Speed Most Wanted.

maulaxe November 21 2005 2:29 AM EST

lost labyrinth
baldurs gate 2

does playing DnD with friends count as "having a life" even if it does happen to be "outside of your computer"?

{CB1ate}aupStar November 21 2005 4:04 AM EST

CB1 (of course...hehe), Starcraft Broodwar, Warcraft III...

Xiaz on Hiatus November 21 2005 4:09 AM EST

I enjoy a good game of Starcraft Brood Wars, Diablo 2: LoD and Baldur's Gate 1 or 2 now and then. Well, I used to :P

IndependenZ November 21 2005 5:21 AM EST

Well, I recently found a full version of the original Carmageddon... :p
And, I've bought a collector's edition of Morrowind!
Red Alert 2 still amuses me as well, so does Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri.

Why all these older games, you ask? I'm a student (which means I'm poor) so my computer isn't that good!

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] November 21 2005 5:44 AM EST

Well, I have two games I'd list as my all time favorite. It would either be Final
Fantasy Tactics on Playstation or New Horizons on Sega Genesis. Of course, I don't play these much anymore.

Currently, I've been stuck on Star Ocean: Till the End of Time on PS2. It's kinda fun, even though my two helpers always act like idiots.

Genius [MoneyTalks] November 21 2005 5:52 AM EST

LINEAGE 2 and warcraft 3: tft -->dota freak

AdminShade November 21 2005 5:53 AM EST

Rome : Total War + Barbarian Invasion


Need for Speed: Most Wanted.

but also

Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (not out yet)
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