Rewards Question (in General)

Maelstrom November 18 2005 7:41 PM EST

I have always wondered about this, and now I'm bored enough to ask:

When you click fight, you are first auto-healed. Where does the money for healing come from? Directly from your cash, from the rewards of the current battle, or the rewards of the next battle?

In other words, when you fight and get healed, are your rewards for a battle decreased, and if so, which battle?

YOU November 18 2005 7:42 PM EST

from your cash

maulaxe November 18 2005 7:45 PM EST

I just found out that i was NOT healed by trying to fight a comatose opponent

I thought that clicking the fight button auto-healed? or only when you enter a battle?

Synco November 18 2005 7:48 PM EST

When you enter a battle.

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] November 18 2005 8:03 PM EST

But if I click "fight" against 10 comatose opponents, I start not a single fight but Kitty can win against my "healed" self 10 times over. Of this I am quite certain.

Maelstrom November 18 2005 8:15 PM EST

Bast, under FAQ > Fighting, it addresses your problem somewhere. You are healed when you attempt to fight.

So the fight rewards are the actual amount you get, without any deductions... there's so much variation that I didn't think this was the case.

AdminShade November 18 2005 8:40 PM EST

Bast and Maelstrom: also there are 2 'versions' of your character, the one you fight with, and the one that gets fought, (anyway you can see it that way)

by attempting to fight a comatose character you make yourself able to be fought, which has, at a point, been explaned by Jonathan.

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] November 18 2005 9:05 PM EST

This is the point I was making, yes. I don't have to "enter" a fight to heal, as I heal at the click of "fight" regardless of that being against a comatose opponent I cannot "begin" to fight.

Synco November 18 2005 9:08 PM EST

The part of your char that gets fought heals when you click fight.

The part of your char that fights heals when you enter battle.

Bast, Mael was referring to the part of the char that fights.
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