Bonus nerf and now usd to 1mill drops? (in General)

Grim Reaper November 17 2005 3:07 AM EST

Seriously what is going on here, I log on now and look at the sales forum and see people selling cb2 for usd cheaper than 15usd? It would theoretically be higher now that a lot of players nub dropped insane amount.

I would understand people would do that if the cb generated increased, as in that nub change made it so everyone had their bonus sky rocket... But it dropped it instead, so how could people be dropping their prices lol.

Is there any logic to that?

Bootsanator November 17 2005 3:15 AM EST

i agree, what the heck. i don't buy or sell for USD (right now) and i noticed that too. makes no sense.
/me shrugs

QBPixel Sage November 17 2005 3:16 AM EST

Trying to beat competition while not taking the nub bonus drop into consideration? That seems logical to me.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] November 17 2005 3:41 AM EST

People don't need to buy cb2?

TrueDevil [AAA] November 17 2005 4:42 AM EST

Seems like too many people quitting/restarting, and selling their stuff for CB 2 and in the end converted to USD. Basically too many CB 2 being sold right now, it will probably rise up again when new super item introduced or something.

Pysche November 17 2005 6:38 AM EST

It is all supply and demand.
Same thing was happening on CB1.
Earlier this week I bought some CB1 at 8:1 was only 6:1 a couple of weeks ago.
Sometime when you see a lot of people selling out it in best to just sit on your cash until the rush is over then sell.
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