Get More BA suggestion (in General)

Nixon Jibfest November 12 2005 12:38 PM EST

The new Get More BA feature is a great addition.

Suggestion: In the pop-up message, display the max BA a player can afford.

Biscuitback November 12 2005 12:40 PM EST

i like it... always wish it was on the manage characters page..

Grim Reaper November 14 2005 5:58 PM EST

I should add another suggestion while we at it, add a feature to read for us so we won't have to.

While we at it, also add something so the brain can interprut sound and understand what the sound is saying so our ears can take a vacation, oh hell why not just make this game play itself, we make accounts the game burns our ba for us, buys when it is needed.

This idea is bad, just do the math urself. It is probably the only challenging part of this game left.

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] November 14 2005 6:20 PM EST

And just for forgers, i would like somewhere to say how much BA you get per 10 minutes, without having to fight to 0 BA.

Cuz there have been times where i am at 0 BA but i somehow end up getting to like 42 BA when i should be at like 40 with 8/10 BA refresh. Because with 160 BA i can get 10 full cycles for DB's and end up at 0, and then on two refreshes get another cycle in, but sometimes, i end up not coming to 0 or 8 when im done with a few cycles after a few refreshes.

Maelstrom November 14 2005 6:23 PM EST

WaB, what are you talking about?? Just being true to your name, again?
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