Can DM Take Down AMF? (in General)

Inferno November 9 2005 8:21 PM EST

Yes or No?

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] November 9 2005 8:22 PM EST

DM reduces your own AMF

DM will not affect an AMF your enemy casts

Inferno November 9 2005 8:23 PM EST


Gilgamesh2090 [NCB Shop] November 9 2005 8:23 PM EST

If it did it would have to be uber (at least 4 times greater) vs. the AMF

maulaxe November 9 2005 8:27 PM EST

DM affects spells cast on the opposing minions. when they cast AMF, it is at you, so your DM does not affect their AMF.
if you cast both DM and AMF, your AMF will be cancelled out by your own DM.

While having both spells could be very powerful, you waste ridiculous amounts of xp in doing so, and that pretty much cancels out all the benefits.

hopefully that answers your question.

maulaxe November 9 2005 8:28 PM EST

that took way too long to type!

Undertow November 10 2005 1:01 AM EST

However, I wouldn't say it's so bad to have a SMALL DM and a large AMF. You lose a little AMF, but you can whip things like base protection and VA right out the door.
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