costumes (in Off-topic)

maulaxe November 8 2005 12:56 AM EST

nice costume Jon! very fitting.
anyone else have halloween pictures?

maybe this should become the new trend - like those owls who don't know how to spell were/are...

maulaxe November 8 2005 1:11 AM EST

I am referring to this

Adrian Exodus November 8 2005 1:56 AM EST

i don't have any pictures but i did dress up like a homicidal maniac...of course i just wore what i normally wear.

! Love Barney November 8 2005 1:57 AM EST


Sukotto [lookingglas] November 8 2005 10:27 AM EST

At last he reveals himself to the players.
At last he gets his revenge!

Looks like the next new item will be a double-ended lightsaber. You can't use a shield with it, and you have to keep your dex at or above the item NW (so you don't cut yourself). It always hits twice. :-D
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