Reassessment Time (in Off-topic)

RAMPAGE November 7 2005 7:08 PM EST

You know it is time to reassess your relationship with your computer

1. In real life conversations, you don't laugh, you just say "LOL,

2. You turn off your computer and get an awful empty feeling, as if
you just pulled the plug on a loved one.

3. You decide to stay in college for an additional year or two, just
for the free high-speed internet access.

4. Your family always knows where you are.

5. You start using smileys in your snail mail. :-)

6. You find yourself typing "com" after every period when using a

7. You move into a new house and you decide to Netscape before you

8. When your email box shows "no new messages" and you feel really

9. You don't know the gender of your three closest friends because
they have nondescript screen names and you never bothered to ask.

10. After reading this message, you immediately forward it to a

Adrian Exodus November 7 2005 7:15 PM EST

1. i hate those ppl
2.turn off puter... i miss the sound of the fans.
3.that makes perfect since to me.
5.done that for years before i even first did it in a chat room.
6.what about .org .net .everything else in the world that im always typing.
7.netscape? :P
8. yay no spam.
9.i could see that
10.i never forward these things.

sorry i just needed something to do since im defraging right now.

maulaxe November 7 2005 8:08 PM EST

11. you rejoice at verbs like "google" and "defrag".

XxFaezerxX November 7 2005 9:09 PM EST

12. keep posting here =)
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