Wireless FM Transmitter Info needed. (in Off-topic)

AdminG Beee November 7 2005 3:25 PM EST

I'm about to purchase my first MP3 player and would appreciate some advice from those "in the know".
I'm not looking for advice on which MP3 player to choose because I've already done that based on many reviews and input from friends etc so I'd appreciate if I don't get bashed for my choice.
I would however like some input with regards to the wireless FM transmitter options available.

I'll spend a large amount of my listening time away in my caravan often racking up several hours per evening whilst we BBQ and generally chill out drinking and chatting.
There lies my problem, I can't find any transmitters that don't chew through batteries every 12 hours or so.

Do you know of a nicely priced transmitter that will work with my MP3 player and draw it's power direct from the mains? Ability to be powered from batteries as well as my car cigar lighter would also be nice :)

PS. I'm aware that these things are "technically" illegal in the UK and would, uhm - only ever use when abroad :)

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] November 7 2005 3:44 PM EST

I will give 50k cb2 to whoever can find one that doesn't chew through battery like Vanessa Felts chews through chocolate bars.

AdminJonathan November 7 2005 4:31 PM EST

I have a belkin FM transmitter. It sucks.

Special J November 7 2005 4:41 PM EST

Monster makes a great one.

AdminG Beee November 7 2005 6:16 PM EST

Monster is in-car charger only though as far as I can see.

Very difficult to find one with batteries that recharge, or work direct from the mains.

Special J November 7 2005 6:26 PM EST

G, why use the FM trans if you are going to be inside? Headphone jack to RCA adapter and you have a direct input, much cleaner sound.

Sadly, check out radioshack.com , they ship internationally. (Last I heard at least)

They have one that runs on a triple A that works decent enough, also check out new egg ;)

{CB3}-HR22 November 7 2005 6:41 PM EST

Im not quite sure exactly what you are looking for but maybe these links will help:
FM Transmitter1
FM Transmitter2
FM Transmitter3
FM Transmitter4
FM Transmitter5

AdminJonathan November 7 2005 6:45 PM EST

HR gets an A for effort :)

{CB3}-HR22 November 7 2005 6:56 PM EST

Thanks, I try :P

maulaxe November 7 2005 8:07 PM EST

i have one, but can't remember atm what brand. (its at home, I'm not)
its mostly ok, but the signal strength is lacking. if you can't find just the right wavelength, its staticky. If you know anyone who fiddles with electronics for a living, or maybe one of those old-timey ham-radio buffs, then you could ask for a little boost in power.

that would also be "technically" illegal, but em, you don't know anybody that could do that for you... or something.

Undertow November 8 2005 1:33 AM EST

If you live anywhere near a major city FM transmitters suck.

At least that's the way it is near Chicago. Most of the ones we sell all have radio stations tide to every frequency.

I'm assuming your not using an Ipod. Otherwise, the Ipod as a transmitter that fits right on the top.

Special J November 8 2005 2:58 AM EST

You have to keep in mind, the strength of the signal can not be too much, as per laws.

The FM transmitter that is part of my sirius radio has the same issues, changing head units to a new DVR style results in the same issue. I got around the problem by running an antenna line (split out from the radio) so it sits right behind the radio when it is mounted in my dash.

Wonderpuff November 8 2005 8:06 AM EST

If you've gone to that much trouble, why not just wire it in?

AdminG Beee November 8 2005 8:13 AM EST

I'm surprised there's not a barrow-load of options out there to meet my demands as I'm sure I'm not unique in wanting a FM transmitter with what I think is a pretty straight forward and obvious spec.
Despite numerous searches I've not come up with anything and been forced to join the rest of the lemmings and jump of the Apple iPod cliff. I'm going to purchase the new 30GB with video playback iPod only because no other supplier makes it easy for me to get my hands on a transmitter. At least Apple offer exactly what I'm looking for. Now I just need to find a place that has them in stock...

Chocolate Thunder November 8 2005 9:46 AM EST

I have an Airplay from Extreme Mac... it seems nice and its actually easy to use, but it burns through my Ipod's battery in 2 hours of play, plus it has trouble transmitting from the front of my car to the antenna in the rear windshield (That's what? 6 feet?). I'm personally convinced there are no viable options for FM transmitters.

AdminG Beee November 8 2005 10:10 AM EST

d'oh /me bangs head on table.

What now? I don't want socks for Christmas again...

Wolvie November 8 2005 10:34 AM EST

I have the TransPod for the car, and it works great. I live just outside of DC, but I found a good quiet frequency.

My only complaint is that the arm that holds the charger can stick straight out from the cigarette lighter, or can be much longer and adjustable. A different combination of pieces that make up the arm would have allowed the arm to be adjustable and not quite as long, but alas, the pieces don't match up correctly.

I'm not sure if running off the cigarette lighter only works for you though.

Special J November 8 2005 12:02 PM EST

Wonderpuff : there is not an option to wire my head unit into my car, it has a built in FM transmitter and no audio out.

And buying a new main head unit (stereo) for my truck that is sirius "ready" and an external receiver for that head unit is not an option money wise currently.
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