Email spammers have failed me (in Off-topic)

Grim Reaper November 7 2005 6:12 AM EST

Yup it has been 1 year and all the crazy email spam I have gotten can't seem to fill up 2 gigs of space in my box. I get about 1k emails of spam daily.

So now I decided to just go through it all and unsubscribe :)

bartjan November 7 2005 6:27 AM EST

Clicking the unsubscribe links is the worst you can do. All it says to the spammer is: "Hey, this is a valid email, let's sell it to my spammer friends". So, if you want more spam: reply to spam.

Using a good spam filter does help. As the postmaster@ and root@ for various domains, including email addresses of 8 years old, I'm a spam magnet. But only 2 or 3 a day make it to my inbox (out of the 300+ emails I get each day). Our mailserver already blocks roughly 1/4 of all email delivery attempts, so only 30% of all email I receive is spam. Spamassassin does the rest, and filters about 20% of my email directly in the 'absolutely positively definitely spam' mailbox (which I don't even bother to check) and the remaining spam (except a few) into the regular spam box.
Without spamassassin and postfix (our mailserver software), I would be using snail mail instead.

maulaxe November 7 2005 6:48 AM EST

you must be bored - quite bored!

good luck. thats a lot of space to fill.

AdminShade November 7 2005 7:46 AM EST

thank goodness i get perhaps 1 spam mail per 2 weeks. :)

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] November 7 2005 10:48 AM EST

Woot! for yahoo mail where spam doesn't go in the actual mail box to fill up the 1 gig of room

Stephen November 7 2005 5:13 PM EST

Even my 10 year old hotmail address barely creates any spam these days as MS finally got their spam filters in order...

RedWolf November 7 2005 7:02 PM EST

i get about 1 spam mail every 2 months, and it doesnt even go into my inbox :-P

Grim Reaper November 8 2005 6:11 AM EST

oh no see I turned off my spam blocker so I just set it so all spam goes into bulk folder. Mainly I did it cuz theres certain sites I signed up to that I actually want to get email from and some others well I like junk mail sometimes :)

But it kind of got out of hand now and I dont like just blocking all sites so I decided to do some house..... err sorry email clean up :)

Nixon Jibfest November 8 2005 9:11 AM EST

Here's the solution for spam...
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