Poll: why was Max incarcerated? (in General)

Sukotto [lookingglas] November 6 2005 10:30 PM EST

Since it's impolite to ask Max exactly what happened (not that that's stopped me), the only thing we can do (besides bribing him with chocolate chip cookies) is make something up. So, what's it gonna be?


  1. was caught smuggling poodles in from Canada.
  2. tried to board a plane with a pair of blue kindergarten scissors.
  3. distributed Ishtar via bittorrent.
  4. sang happy birthday and didn’t pay the Harry Fox Agency's royalty.
  5. commited miscellaneous thoughtcrime.
  6. taught scientific theory in Kansas instead of the truth.
  7. needed more cowbell.

** Welcome back Max! **

BrandonLP November 6 2005 10:32 PM EST

Definitely number 6.

Sukotto [lookingglas] November 6 2005 10:35 PM EST

Personally, I'm torn between #1 and #7.
But you only get one vote so I just have to go with #1.
Canada... a convenient scapegoat.

maulaxe November 6 2005 10:38 PM EST

if people get locked up for #7, then there would be no free men left to roam this earth. or women.
only Walken would be walkin.

as for why he was smuggling poodles in the wrong direction, that will have to remain between him and his attourney.

I was Dignifried Bean November 6 2005 10:42 PM EST

#1: no question about it.

Is poodles a euphemism for lumber?
I know we Canadians are infamous for our

"Weapons of Mass Construction"


smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] November 6 2005 10:42 PM EST

#7 and my #8

8. He stole monkey's from the zoo, actually its a rare kind of monkey, all they hear are cowbells, so when Max rung the cowbell, the monkey's came a running, so technically the monkeys ran away to him.


MrC [DodgingTheEvilForgeFees] November 6 2005 10:42 PM EST

For stealing the DBoM... where did that thing end up anyway?

But if I really have to pick from the options above.
I'll go with 6.

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] November 6 2005 10:55 PM EST

1, of course.

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] November 7 2005 12:44 AM EST

3! Ishtar it is.

Special J November 7 2005 2:17 AM EST

He should have been arrested for watching Ishtar, what a very horrible movie.

{CB1ate}aupStar November 7 2005 2:47 AM EST


Which reminds me of what my lil bro used to do when we were young. We used to try to speak to each other using our incredible telepathic powers!! =D Funnily enough it actually worked a some of the time....;)

AdminShade November 7 2005 4:26 AM EST

If I had to choose from these then it would definately be #7

{CB3}-HR22 November 7 2005 8:05 AM EST


48Zach November 7 2005 8:23 AM EST

yep , definitly 7

IndependenZ November 7 2005 8:40 AM EST

I agree, it must be Se7en.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 7 2005 1:23 PM EST

Hey yeah, I swear I had the DBom last...and now it's long since vanished...

Concepter November 7 2005 5:34 PM EST

WB, Max. Yes this is my first post in quite awhile.

A Deluxe Buckler of Mandos [4] (+7) owned by Xanthochroid (Icons of Evil)

You talking about that guys?

Untouchable November 7 2005 10:37 PM EST

Smuggling poodles??? :D

Sukotto [lookingglas] November 7 2005 11:35 PM EST

from Canada, yes

I thought it was pretty straightforward...

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 8 2005 1:38 AM EST

I was talking about the named WS on CB1

MrC [DodgingTheEvilForgeFees] November 8 2005 2:25 AM EST

Novice, there is a CB2 one too, and yes it's a small wooden shield ;)

I have no idea why it's so special though. Other than it's good for firewood. ;)
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