Idea for Verifex to brainstorm on (new feature) (in General)

AdminShade November 6 2005 4:07 PM EST

Why can't we get the notices from auctions:

"You have been outbid in an auction for An Elven Long Bow [6x6] (+1) --"

be a link to click on and bring you to that auction directly instead?

Tezmac November 6 2005 4:34 PM EST

I think this has been suggested before, but that doesn't mean it's still not a brilliant idea. :O)

Ilovehellokitty November 6 2005 4:44 PM EST

I agreed to whatever Shade says...


AdminJonathan November 7 2005 12:21 AM EST

because that would suck for notices delivered in the chat client.

AdminShade November 7 2005 4:37 AM EST

true it would suck for messages delivered to the chat client, alas

maulaxe November 7 2005 5:02 AM EST

is the chatmail system implemented in sucha way that delivering a message to only one of the places (chat, or homepage) is not possible? for the auction notifications, the full info with working link could go to homepage, and a watered-down version to chat...
this would require them to be linked somehow so you don't get the same chatmail twice, so i assume that implementing it would be a hassle?

AdminShade November 7 2005 5:04 AM EST

well the problem is, i suspect, that there already will only be delivered 1 message, if you see it in your PM window it will still be delivered in the Chat Mail inbox but you will only see it as a message when you go look at your Chat Mails.

The problem i think is that that message is always the same, so no 2 versions of a message can be sent.

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] November 7 2005 6:25 AM EST

strangely I don't think I have ever received a CM in my PM box before even when sent while I have been online :/

AdminJonathan November 7 2005 10:59 AM EST


Zoglog[T] [big bucks] November 7 2005 11:17 AM EST

thanks Jon, I was wondering why it did it in CB1 but not here.
/me puts on his dunce cap.
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