how the heck do you guys get 3k clan points +?!?! =| (in General)

Untouchable November 5 2005 8:23 PM EST

as title says...i want to help my clan out t....but...i only make about 1.4k, and i see my other clan members making about 3k CP+....can someone tell me how you guys do it?? =|

YOU November 5 2005 8:26 PM EST

Click on Get more BA to find out

Special J November 5 2005 8:31 PM EST

Fighting clans that have a bonus is 3 points
Fighting clans withou a bonus is 2 points
Fighting non clan members is 1 point.

xDanELx November 5 2005 10:53 PM EST

Use this feature:

Remove non-3-point clan

Also, not missing any BA regen and buying BA helps. :)

Relic November 6 2005 12:56 AM EST

Glory (6,036)

3k is a walk in the park my friend. :P

Xiaz on Hiatus November 6 2005 7:25 AM EST

Have the time to spend BA.
Have the will to spend BA.

AdminShade November 6 2005 7:28 AM EST

3000 clan points would only be 1000 fights if you pick the right people.

being able to buy from 503 to 720 BA this means spending either 500 or 280 normal BA also, which is only a few hours worth of BA... :)

If you'd look at the wiki and look under the clans section you should see a lot of information about it, if not then contact me and i will port my site page about clans to the wiki.

getting 3k points is easy with some effort and time :)
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