Cost of NCB - Help aupStar calculate! (in General)

{CB1ate}aupStar November 2 2005 9:08 PM EST

*Cracks his nuckles* and away we go...

1. Given amount of purchasable BA with NCB is 720 (just like the NUB)
2. Given that the average price of BA over the 4 months that it lasts is 700CB$ each.

Total price of BA purchase (not including amount of CB$ earned) = 720*700*7(1week)*4(1month)*4(4months) = 56448000 = YIKES!

Maelstrom November 2 2005 9:44 PM EST


bartjan November 3 2005 12:37 AM EST

I won't even begin to point out the errors in that math formula, but the end result at least is a lot lower than 56M.

YOU November 3 2005 9:35 AM EST

about 12mil

[Tranquility]-USDForger [Azn Forgesmith] November 3 2005 9:42 AM EST

just a rough number of how much aupstar need to restart. However, the number can change a tiny bit due to special xp & cash time.

[Tranquility]-USDForger [Azn Forgesmith] November 3 2005 9:42 AM EST

i would say about 16 millions.

YOU November 3 2005 9:43 AM EST

could be 20 millions due to how bad Aupstar is lol

Ilovehellokitty November 3 2005 9:45 AM EST

you should have bought rubberduck 's character aupstar lol

I love chappy so so much.

AdminShade November 3 2005 11:01 AM EST


720 * 700 = amount of money costing for 1 days worth of BA

times 30 = average days for 1 month
times 4 = 4 months

720 * 700 = 504,000

504,000 * 30 = 15,120,000

15,120,000 * 4 = 60,480,000

hmmm 60 mil?

Grim Reaper November 3 2005 6:38 PM EST

you guys have it so wrong in the math,

First off at 720 ba the cost is like 500 at most maybe 400.

720 x 4months? imposisble because if that was the case then I would have "you may purchase 720ba" all the time instead of it being lower.

right now I can purchase 503 ba at 804 a piece.

another factor you have not considered is that based on rewards, about 3/4 or more of the ba cost is returned as money to pay for more ba bought.

Example would be that if I had 100k to spend on 503 ba, I co uld keep spending as much as I could, fight with the ba and then keep buying the ba. So with 100k I could theoretically buy 400k worth of ba.

And 720ba does not last a long time it only lasts about 2 days. Then the ba refresh rate goes down fast and gets stuck at 8ba till like 350k+ mpr and that is where it hits 503 7/10 ba stuff.

Tenchi Muyo November 4 2005 1:13 AM EST

NCB doesn't work that way though. We pay the same as NUB, but without the rewards, so an NCB char makes a little over 1/3 per BA as a NUB character will. Unless the NCB user had a _LOT_ of cash stored up, and probably a constant supply of income via rentals/loans there is no way a NCB char will be able to buy every single BA.

Not that it matters much. 2.71x the normal xp is a pretty hefty boost, most people will pass where their old chars would have been even without buying BA by the time their NCB wears off.

{CB1ate}aupStar November 5 2005 9:33 PM EST

Major Pain and "you", please enlighten me with how you calculated your results and I think shade has made a more accurate estimate of what I set out to do simply by using a 30 day month instead of 28...=)

Also, I'm not sure but I think with an NCB char you get 70% of the cash you normally get...can someone confirm this..?
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