Question About Antimagic Field VS. Dispell Magic (in General)

heavyhits October 27 2005 1:57 PM EDT

I need some advice about which is better for a single mage with FB.....should I be training in Antimagic field or should I train in Dispell magic?

Any help in this would be great!!


Maelstrom October 27 2005 2:04 PM EDT

Did you look in the Wiki for the answer to this?

heavyhits October 27 2005 2:06 PM EDT

Yeah, I've read into it, but I was curious to know what other, "More experienced" players would suggest.

Maelstrom October 27 2005 2:14 PM EDT

It was "other, more experienced players" that wrote the Wiki...

Virgobabe October 27 2005 2:14 PM EDT

I think if you have just one minion I would go for antimagic to do more damage to them. But if you've got more I'd say dispel magic as if you look a lot of people don't have much HP, ST, etc just rely on there spells to give it to them but if you stop there spells completely then they don't have a chance. But that's just my opinion. I'm still a NUB so not that experienced.

Maelstrom October 27 2005 2:17 PM EDT

You could also look in the older forums for the answer, since some player tend to ask this same question every week or so.

TrueDevil [AAA] October 27 2005 2:44 PM EDT

You should look around, check out for single mages in the Character stats, which one is better but IMO, overall FB + DM is much better, AMF isn't really great but AMF + high AC and huge mage shield is mage killer. (Well, you need 2 minions for this)

Grim Reaper October 28 2005 5:06 AM EDT

well all I can say is 1minion with FB and DM will destroy me cuz my hp is all from AS. Now most players with atleast 1 minion having decay around and making it to melee, their team will destroy ur minion if u have DM.
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