Well there goes all my usd lol (in Off-topic)

Grim Reaper October 25 2005 5:01 AM EDT

I decided to check out how much money I made/deposited into my bank account so far.

So let's see. I started with like 200usd then I did some work and deposted 400.
Then I ended up spending money till I ended up at 400. I tried to make it back to 600but inthe middle of it all ended up spending money.

Turns out I made 1100 usd back into the account.. It turns out I spent 900usd without even knowing it/ok I knew I spent money but 900.... All I know is everytime I bought something I tried to balance the account by adding more money back into the account. Ok so I worked sold stuff online to get the money back to what it used to be.
BTW I got no job so uh yea.....

I think I learned my lesson on trying to get my 200bucks back.

Anyone else have shocking stories of money that?
Ok mine wasn't shocking, but does anyone have a crazy story about having some money then trying to get a little more into the account but ended in total gaining a lot more but in the end only got a tiny bit? Ok normal stuff like working to pay bills I guess won't count for story. But how about some crazy stuff like gambling maybe? Please tell :)

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] October 25 2005 5:33 AM EDT

Ouch, that's got to sting. Seriously, if you don't know where you spent the cash, you should really try to be more conservative in your spending then.

No crazy money stories here. I'm pretty frugal. I guess if you want a story, I found a $50 floating on the bottom in a hotel pool when I was a little kid. After a brief wrestle with my jealous cousin, it was all mine. Well, my parents made me put it in the bank, so I was pretty upset about it. In retrospect I suppose it was a good call though. Funny how things change like that.
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