improvement on PMs (in Off-topic)

St00pidSucks October 24 2005 1:43 AM EDT

it would be pretty cool if when you received a PM in chat, it would blink or something..... i really do think that the PM part of chat should be improved a lot. for example. when im talking to multiple people in PMs i would have to switch to the little text box to the right and type in their name, and then enter my message, then go back and type in the other persons name and type in the message.... we could have tabs or something, then when you receive a message in that tab from that one person then it blinks three times or something..... just an idea

bartjan October 24 2005 3:59 AM EDT


St00pidSucks October 25 2005 1:19 AM EDT

hey man it says probably not, but if its a rockin idea he might add it :-D

Grim Reaper October 25 2005 4:47 AM EDT

A member of Carnage Blender 2 since October 7, 2005.

Jonathan will not be listening to you until you are like well maybe 2-3months into the game?

{CB1ate}aupStar October 25 2005 4:56 AM EDT

Since when WAB..?

Btw, you can already receive mail in chat by changing your settings. Also, you can mail people using chat by typing in their name in the pm box and using /mail <insert text>.

RAMPAGE October 25 2005 7:07 AM EDT

Not true Brain

Some of us have been here nearly 3 years and Jon still doesn't listen to them.
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