Novell Certification (in Off-topic)

Special J October 18 2005 2:02 PM EDT

I have a job offer, the only requirement is I must get Novell Certified.

My question is, how hard is Novell to pick up and is the certification going to help me later on? Being that Novell doesn't have much a niche anymore, mail servers at Radioshack use it, and it seems lots of school systems use it as the mail software too.

They are going to certify me on the job, the local instructor works for the same company (can we say convenient?).

BrandonLP October 18 2005 2:04 PM EDT

FS/WTB post?

Fuhgawz October 18 2005 2:11 PM EDT

I'll sell you my certification. =)

QBsutekh137 October 18 2005 2:12 PM EDT

What is BIN?

Relic October 18 2005 2:35 PM EDT

Novell is not a widely used technology, it may add some value to your resume, but not much.

Maelstrom October 18 2005 2:55 PM EDT

Novell is not widely used? It's used at the two departments of the Canadian government that I have worked at, it's used by my provincial government, it's used by at least 6 Canadian universities, and at the public schools in my province. I haven't worked for private companies before, but I assume at least some must use Novell.

I would say it depends on how much time it would take to get the certification, and how much it would cost you. If neither of those is an issue, than go for it - it never hurts to learn new things.

NSFY October 18 2005 2:58 PM EDT

wuss isn't talking about third-world countries

err...wait a second...doesn't he live in Kentucky? nm

Maelstrom October 18 2005 3:04 PM EDT

NSFY, I'll ignore your rude and ignorant comment.

[Tranquility]-USDForger [Azn Forgesmith] October 18 2005 3:07 PM EDT

"Novell is not widely used? It's used at the two departments of the Canadian government that I have worked at, it's used by my provincial government, it's used by at least 6 Canadian universities, and at the public schools in my province. I haven't worked for private companies before, but I assume at least some must use Novell. " <------??!??!?!


Relic October 18 2005 3:18 PM EDT

I will repeat my previous comment so that Maelstrom will not misunderstand.

Novell is not a widely used technology, it will not add much value to your resume.

I equate "widely used" to mean worldwide and in many businesses and sectors, not just school systems and government agencies who in most cases use cheap software solutions because of budget restrictions.

Special J October 18 2005 3:20 PM EDT

Nice 5k mistake for me, moved to off-topic.

AdminJonathan October 18 2005 3:26 PM EDT

not only is Novell not widely used (relative to MS and *NIX solutions), but it's less-used every year

that's really what matters, I think

Special J October 18 2005 3:29 PM EDT

The company handles a lot of school system networks, and school systems go with what is cheapest. It is hard to push them a Nix system, as they hear horror stories, true or not.

bartjan October 18 2005 3:30 PM EDT

Novell, as in Netware or as in Linux?

Special J October 18 2005 3:30 PM EDT


Maelstrom October 18 2005 3:31 PM EDT

Thanks Glory, I see your point. I confess that I am don't know much about network-type stuff, and am a couple years out of date of what is used outside of my university, so it could be less widely used than I thought.

However, my other point remains: if it costs little in terms of time or money, then it can't hurt to get the certification.
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