When you fight, does it...Heal, and then fight? (in General)

Untouchable October 13 2005 9:34 PM EDT

well, it seems I've been drawing my opponents lately, and i was wondering why, because i used to just defeat them.

well...after i got a draw on one of my opponents i went to "home" and clicked heal. then fought again and won.

question: do we heal when we fight, because i noticed that it just says 'fight' and im concerned because i don't heal when I fight...in cb1 it said 'Heal and then fight'...is it the same here?

[EG] Almuric October 13 2005 9:35 PM EDT

Yeah, it's the same. All 'Fight' links are actually 'Heal and Fight' links here.

AdminNightStrike October 13 2005 11:04 PM EDT

Defenders don't heal until they're dead. Since you fought him once, then fought again, he was slightly damaged and thus easier to kill.

You probably can't kill them since they have been getting stronger.

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] October 13 2005 11:11 PM EDT

Al, if you hit fight from home and you didnt hit heal first, you will lose.

But C + Enter or Down arrow + enter while fighting lists = heal, then fight.

RIPsalt3d October 14 2005 12:43 AM EDT

NightStrike, defending characters heal every 30 seconds, and whenever their attacking counterparts fight. Assuming your opponent is not fighting right now, you can attack him repeatedly to wear down and eventually kill him, within a 30 second window.

smallpau1, you are mistaken.

sssimmo October 14 2005 1:07 AM EDT

smallpau1, your living in 2004 still. C'mon man it's 2005, CB2 is where its all happening nowadays. Lose that out of fashion baggy jeans look and get yourself some newage flares!

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] October 14 2005 2:27 AM EDT

my mistake, i could've sworn i had done just that today, but i must've been remembering cb1...=/

I am right for cb1, and half right for cb2 tho...=P

AdminG Beee October 14 2005 4:07 AM EDT

[EG] Almuric, October 13 2005 9:35 PM EDT
Yeah, it's the same. All 'Fight' links are actually 'Heal and Fight' links here.

Almost. I believe it's not quite true to say All fight links...
CB1: If you clicked fight and the opponent was comatose then you healed regardless. This left you open to farmers if you were fighting a short fightlist and getting a lot of "unavailables".
CB2: If you click fight and the opponent is comatose you don't heal. So it's "Fight but heal first only if opponent is available". This doesn't allow opponents to farm you while receiving multiple "unavailables".

Adrian Exodus October 14 2005 8:11 AM EDT

This doesn't allow opponents to farm you while receiving multiple "unavailables".

i don't think thats true or at least it doesn't work that way since i get farmed all the time (manly by kitty) while my fight list is coma and I'm hitting them.
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