An apple for a teacher (in Off-topic)

Nixon Jibfest October 12 2005 11:54 PM EDT

Anybody know the history behind giving a teacher an apple?

Special J October 12 2005 11:58 PM EDT

I have heard the story before and now I am drawing a blank.

RIPsalt3d October 13 2005 12:28 AM EDT

Apple polisher: The custom of "apple polishing" hails from the little red schoolhouses of yore. Young children whose math skills were less than exemplary sought to win their teacher's favorite instead with a gift of a bright, shiny apple. Remember this ditty? "An apple for the teacher will always do the trick when you don't know your lesson in arithmetic."


Adrian Exodus October 13 2005 12:31 AM EDT


Maelstrom October 13 2005 1:17 AM EDT


I vaguely remember an elementary school teacher of mine (one of those bubbly, ever-happy old ladies) saying that the best students were "bright little apples".

If it were the bad students who game the apples according to tradition... shouldn't it be the bad students that got called the "apples"?
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