Wallace and Gromit (in Off-topic)

AdminG Beee October 10 2005 3:09 PM EDT

Todays top story from our news readers Wallace and Gromit.

AdminJonathan October 10 2005 3:20 PM EDT

did anyone see their new movie?

Caedmon [Revenge of the Forgers] October 10 2005 3:38 PM EDT

Yeah, we saw it Friday -- it's more geared to kids than their eariler shorts, but it had its moments.

maulaxe October 10 2005 7:53 PM EDT

I loved the other ones!
wait, does that make me a kid?

I can't wait to see the new one... but not till I get back from my trip and recover from jetlag and homework pile-up >_<

LumpBot October 10 2005 9:07 PM EDT

I saw it =D

QBJohnnywas October 11 2005 5:52 AM EDT

RIP Morph. Sniff.

AdminG Beee October 11 2005 5:55 AM EDT

Heh, Morph and Tony Hart - now that takes me back...

QBRanger October 16 2005 9:12 PM EDT

Saw it today with my 3 1/2 year old. We both enjoyed it quite a lot.

I would highly recommend it if you have kids.
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