Da diddly qua qua... (in Contests)

QBBarzooMonkey October 4 2005 8:58 PM EDT

1. ...da diddly qua qua

2. <--------------------------------------

3. Name the lead actor....

Of course, spell check doesn't like #1, & if I use HTML I can't make the arrow, so...

Game on!

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 4 2005 9:06 PM EDT

I'm still mostly confused but

1. Stand and Deliver

2. Off

3. Edward James Almos

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 4 2005 9:07 PM EDT

bah there was something about a connection...nice contest...I've no clue what is going on.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 4 2005 9:12 PM EDT

1. Stand and Deliver

2. Adam Ant

3. Edwards James Almos

connection should be obvious...

Victimizer October 4 2005 11:17 PM EDT

1. Stand and Deliver- by Adam and the Ants

2. Adam and the Ants

3. Stand and Deliver
(main character Jaime Escalante played by Edward James Olmos)

Connection- Stand and Deliver is a song by Adam and the Ants in the Movie Stand and Deliver

...i hope thats enough to win...or just plain right...

QBBarzooMonkey October 4 2005 11:41 PM EDT

Very, very close. However,it is not Adam & The Ants in the picture, and Adam & The Ants did not do the title song to the movie of the same name :)

Victimizer October 4 2005 11:50 PM EDT

I figured it wouldnt be that easy i guess i will have to rethink and try again.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 5 2005 12:05 AM EDT

Stand And Deliver

Mr. Mister

Edward James Almos

the Movie Stand and Deliver

RIPsalt3d October 5 2005 12:05 AM EDT

1. Stand and Deliver

2. Mr. Mister

3. Edward James Olmos

RIPsalt3d October 5 2005 12:07 AM EDT


RIPsalt3d October 5 2005 12:09 AM EDT

Unless spelling is important. ;)

QBBarzooMonkey October 5 2005 12:30 AM EDT

Da diddly qua qua are lyrics from Adam & The Ants "Stand and Deliver"
The band in the picture, Mr. Mister also did a song called "Stand and Deliver" which was used as the title song in the movie of the same name, which starred Edward James Olmos.

Novice wins!

JuJuLizard Rex (Princess WonderDog) (Rune of Suckage) $50000 -- WInner12:26 AM EDT

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 5 2005 1:33 AM EDT

Rock! thanks! possiblygoingbacktomonkeytypename you rock!
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